Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vladaminer Way

Vladaminer Way

by evilpanda 1 review

When Gerard has a son with a dead mother it's hard to look after him 24/7 .

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-06-25 - Updated: 2011-06-25 - 526 words

Vladaminer looked like his father but never acted like him. He had long black hair with a blue and purple fringe going over his left eye. He was born different and had one light blue eye and one dark green eye. He always wore black, ripped, skinny jeans and a hoodie, he didn’t really care what was on it. He always had to have odd converse one never a pair. He also has braces that didn’t really bother him. No one ever talked to him, so no one knew he had them.

Vladaminer hated his name, he got people (as in people I mean Frank, Mikey and Ray) to call him Vlad and to be honest he hated his life. People would always go up to him and go “Oh My God your Gerard way’s son, OMG where’s your dad” or “Can I get a picture” to which his answer was always “Fuck the hell off, go and find him yourself”.

He was only 15 and a half so ending his life was not the smartest idea he had also his dad was a famous rock singer in a band, so him dead would mess that up a bit.

Vlad grabbed an apple from the kitchen and started to walk back to his room but walked into Frank half way.

“Hi Vlady boy, what you up to” Frank said.
Vlad looked him up and down and took a bite out of him apple “Don’t call me that Shorty”
“Ok calm down, and watch what comes out of that mouth, that’s going to get you into trouble” Frank said, starting to walk into the living room.
“Oh shut the hell up” Vlad replied kicking his door shut.

The next day was a Monday so Vlad had to go to school. He grabbed his bag and ran down the stairs.

“Bye emo” Frank shouted from his room.
“You can talk you dad-fucker” Vlad shouted back.
“Hay don’t call me that, I don’t think your mom would be happy you saying that” Frank said sticking his head around his door.
“Oh shut up, she’s dead and you know it” Vlad replied as he walk out the door.

Vlad always took the long way to school just so he was late. He pretty much hated all the teachers.
All of a sudden Vlad’s phone started to ring. He took it out his pocket and look at the caller ID. It was his dad.
“What?” He said answering the phone.
“Vlad what the hell?” Gerard said. “You forgot your money for lunch and all your jotters!”.
“So?” Vlad asked.
“How are you going to work in class without your stuff?” Gerard asked.
“Dad use your small brain, I’m not.” Vlad replied.
“Vlad stop being a little dick I’m trying my best to make you fucking happy.”
“Well it’s not working, I really hate being your son."
“Vlad don’t say that my life is hard already, with the band and you having no mom” Gerard said.
“Oh go and fuck Frank” Vlad said as he hung up the phone.
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