Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Couple of Things from Sy and an Audition

Couple of Things from Sy and an Audition

by Syphiel 12 reviews

.......Please Read.......

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-26 - Updated: 2011-06-26 - 300 words

Hi everybody that reads my stories or that I am an avid reviewer on yours. So I know I don't update as much as I should. Big promotion at work and losing the only support I had at work have kinda made that hell and I'm near passing out by the time I get home. But now I might be posting even less and not reviewing. Unfortunately, my boyfriend's mom, who I'm crazy close with, has a brain tumor. Right now she is in the hospital and we are hoping that it is not to big and they don't have to operate. So yeah, everyday when I get home from work we are going to be going over there to releave his dad and spend time with her. I am going to be on the computer even less that means. I will still be working on my stories in my notebooks but I might not get them up here for a while. So "Think Happy Thoughts" and "Comin' Outta This Place" are on temporary hiatus until we know more. Also not many people reviewed but I still want to work on "Supernatural" so I need some ghosts and minions. I've decided to change the audition so that I can more use people where I need them. If you are ok with this please review with the following info.


Age you died at:


A little bit of your personality:

How did you die:

Something you left behind, never got to do while human:

Ok that is everything. Please if you could maybe keep Sue in your prayers that would be a really nice thing to do. Thank you. I forgot about early mornings so I might still be able to review the stories that I read off my ipod.
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