Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

[important]Note To My Readers! (if i have any.......)

by perfectzombie 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-30 - Updated: 2011-06-30 - 97 words

Um, hey... I haven't been on here in like, forever! Well, I've been on the site but ..... I forgot my password so 0_0 Anyway, i just re-read my stories. They are total shit x]. So um, anyway. I'll be creating a new account, and I'm not telling you guys the name of it [=
You see, i've changed my writing style now. I hope it's gotten better? But anyway, I dont want you to judge my new stuff based off what i've written on this account. So, i'll be seeing you...But you wont be seeing me ;)
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