Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Babe I'll Be Your Outcast

You think your tough then lets throw down

by SimplexMinded 2 reviews

She stood up and put her hands on her hips "Fine. But you know damn well there is nothing going on between me and Gee." He turned to her and snapped at her "Then what the hell was that dancing? Fri...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-07-07 - Updated: 2011-07-15 - 1557 words - Complete

Halfway through breakfast, Frank stood up and disappeared into the back bunk. Ray looked up at him then down at the plate of food he had barely touched.

"What's up with him?"

Mikey shrugged and looked over at Riley "Any idea?"

Riley sighed "Yeah. I think I do."

She stood up and followed Frank into the back bunk to find him on his back, with his headphones in and his eyes closed. She could hear his music through the headphones so she sat down next to him and pulled them from his ears. He glared at her but said nothing.

"You know, I never figured you to be the jealous type"

He grunted and looked up at the ceiling.

"Frank. Please look at me"

When he didn't, she stood up and put her hands on her hips

"Fine. But you know damn well there is nothing going on between me and Gee."

He turned to her and snapped at her "Then what the hell was that dancing? Friends don't grind Riley"

She laughed "Your jealous of that? Frank, how long have you known Gerard?"

She sat back down and placed her hands on his. He looked at her

"about 5 years, why?"

She smiled down at him "Then you should know that when Gerard dances, he tends to act sexual. He was just having fun and I was too."

Frank sighed and sat up "Ok, Im sorry...I just...Im so used to girls using me to get to Gee."

Riley smiled and placed her hands on his face, forcing him to look at her.

"I know....But Im not that girl."

He smiled and she kissed him before standing up and going back to the kitchen.

"Come on. Food's getting cold"

When they walked back into the kitchen the guys were staring at them with confused looks on their faces

"Dude! What the hell was that? You never leave leftovers!"

Ray asked raising his hands and pointing at the uneaten pancakes on the table. Gerard sat back and looked between Frank and Riley before speaking

"He's jealous."

Ray, Bob and Mikey looked at Gerard.


Gerard looked at Riley "Because he saw the way we were dancing and thought she was using him to get to me. Am I right?"

Frank sighed "Yeah......"

They all looked at Riley with anger and concern

"Are you?" Ray asked staring her down

"No. Thats why I went and got him. I swear, I don't like Gee like that"

She looked over at them before siting back down and motioning Frank to do the same. Mikey spoke up, breaking the silence

"Brian said he was guna stop by and talk to you about staying on the bus. Im assuming he will do that manager thing he does and lay down the do's and don'ts."

He looked at Riley and she nodded "Cool. Yall have a show tonight right?"

"Yeah. He will probably be here when we are doing sound check. Just don't let him scare you. He can be kinda....."

Riley interrupted him "My way no highway options guy?"

They all laughed and Gerard spoke "You have no idea. He's a great guy but don't piss him off...."

Riley smiled "I take it you are speaking from experience?"

Gerard just nodded "There was this one time, He told me to do something and I hadn't had my coffee yet so I was being a pre-Madonna about it. When he left, I hid his car keys and he had a date that night. He ended up missing the date and when he found out I had taken his keys, He booked nice hotels for all of the guys but me."

Mikey was laughing "Yeah! Poor Gerard had to stay in this Motel 6 while we crashed in 4 star hotels! Brian had told all the hotel managers that he was an obsessed fan and that if he even walked into the hotel to have him removed!"

Frank laughed too "Oh my god! It was so funny! Gee was so pissed!"

Ray looked at Riley "You should have seen his face when Brian told him the rules. He thought he was joking and the first night, He walked into the hotel with us and security removed him!"

Riley was on the floor laughing "Oh my god! Did yall say something!"

Mikey shook his head "Brian warned us if we helped Gerard out, We were next."

Frank stood up and wiped tears from his eyes cause he was laughing so hard

"Yeah man! We wanted to live!!!"

Riley laughed and saw Gerard with his arms crossed, pouting. She stood up and gave him a half hug.

"Oh come on! Its funny as long as its not you right?"

He grinned "Oh I never said it wasn't funny."

Gerard's phone rang and 'This is Halloween' started playing

"I am the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red"

He reached his hand up and grabbed his phone from the top shelf above the table. He flipped it open and started talking

"Hello?......This is.....Yeah I was thats not what.....Fine...On my way"

He shut his phone and growled. "Frickin A man..."

Frank looked up at him confused "Whats up man?"

Gerard stood up from the table and grabbed his jacket

"Alex is in the hospital and she is telling them I put her there. I've gotta go down to the station for questioning."

Bob stood up looking serious "Dude. What the fuck? When is she saying it happened? What ever IT is"

Gerard walked to the door "I don't know. She's crazy. I'll get it sorted out. With her record I don't think they believe her but they have to look into for legal reasons. You know how they work. I'll be back later tonight for the show"

He waived two fingers in the air and walked off the bus into the cold New Jersey air.

Mikey looked at Riley "Alex is his ex-girlfriend. She's like psycho. They dated for about 2 months but it was around the time Gee hit rock bottom and she was his supplier. Sex and drugs were the only reason he stayed with her but she was dead set on something more. When he dumped her, she went crazy and trashed his car, spay painted G&A on our door and a whole bunch of other shit. Gerard told her to leave him alone or he would have her arrested and that just made it worse. She sliced her arms up and was in the hospital for a few weeks. She told the police that he had attacked her after she dumped him. It was cleared and he was let off in less then 24 hours because the night she said it happened, he was in PA doing a show."

Riley stared at him in awwe "man, I knew yall had crazy fans but....damn! You think it will clear this time too?"

Mikey nodded "Yeah, Im sure it will. I just wish she'd back off. I think it hurts Gee to know he's clean and she is still going down hill."

Frank nodded "Gee puts up with so much shit from this girl. I just wonder what triggered it? We haven't heard from her in several months. This is kinda out of the blue, at least for her ya know?"

Ray sat back in the chair "Im just thinking out loud, but remember when Bob ran into her at 711? Maybe she had seen he was with MCR and followed him. Maybe that started something?"

Bob spoke "Yah. I wouldn't put it past her. I mean, if she saw where the bus was, all she would have to do is sit in the shadows and watch it."

Riley got a sudden idea "If she did that, maybe she saw me walk on the bus with Gee when we went for lunch."

She looked up at they guys who looked like they had gotten this great revelation. Frank looked at Mikey and spoke.

"She has a point. Maybe she thinks Rie is with Gee and got jealous. She knew she couldn't talk to him so she did this."

Mikey looked at the table. "I wouldn't put it past her. I guess we will find out when Gee gets back."

Mikey stood up and walked to the fridge. He grabbed a soda and sat back down. Ray stood up and grabbed his jacket

"Im going for a walk. Maybe head over to Cards and Comics and see if they've got that new Daredevil issue. Anyone wana join?"

Frank stood up "Im cool man. I think Im just guna be a lazy bum until the show and play video games. Rie, you up for some Halo?"

Riley took the last sip of her coffee and grinned "Your goin down!"

"Ha! not likely!"

They ran off to the back, arguing about who was guna win. Bob looked at Mikey and laughed

"They are so perfect for each other. I just hope she doesn't end up hurting him."

Mikey shook his head "Nah. I don't think she will. I like her."

Ray agreed before walking off the bus on his nerd quest. Mikey walked over to the couch and sat down, looking out the window, noticing it had started to rain.
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