Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Wasted

Christmas Has No Miracles

by BlueFlare12 0 reviews

A section from their Christmas'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-07-10 - Updated: 2011-07-10 - 1184 words

Sorry I haven't updated!! :( I've been a little bit busy :/ I will try to update as much as possible this week =]

Christmas Has No Miracles:

Gerard POV:
I woke up to see the regular sights out of my small window and then looked at the calendar...It was Christmas already! I rushed upstairs like every year. Mum was already up same as Mikey and Hayley.
“Yay!” Hayley cheered, “Anther one is up.”
“You're lucky that she didn't jump on you while you were sleeping.” Mark grunted appearing from the sofa.
“What other way was I going to get you up?” Hayley retorted shoving him back on the sofa.
“Where's dad?” I asked, knowing the answer.
“He's gone into work because the company needed him for something. I don't know when he will be back.” Mum said quickly pushing us nearer the presents.
I looked at the pile of wrapped goods and began guessing what could be in them. Art sets? That was my main guess.

Mikey POV:
I reached forward to grab my first of three presents.
“Wow I wonder what this is..” I sarcastically stated, the wrapping wasn't very well done in hiding the shape of the bass, but oh well.
I split the wrapping and saw the neck with all the strings.
“Thanks guys.” I smiled and tested it out, knowing that one of the other boxes had an amp and maybe the wires to go with it.
I opened all mine, next was Gerard then Hayley, Mark was going to get picked up later and spend the rest of the holidays with his brother and uncle.
Gerard had loads (and I mean loads) of art stuff, paints, brushes, canvases and some other things I couldn't name. The room went silent as we watched Hayley opening her gift. We didn't know what her reaction would be.
“Whoa!” a smile spread across her face, “This is the bass I had always asked for.”
“We should jam with our bass'” I suggested, she just nodded her head.
“Why don't you do that now. You have nothing else to do.” Mum pushed the bass to me and I took it.
We set up in my room and began to play....

Frank POV:
“Thanks for this.” I breathed as I held the white guitar in my hands.
I had always wanted a proper electric guitar, just like this one. I had to tell Ray, I bet he got one as well! My fingers speedily hit the keys on my cell phone and I sent the text. After waiting less that a minute my phone buzzed.
'Oh cool! I got one too, its black and has a really good sound! Can't wait to start something with this!!' I just smiled as I read it, maybe something could happen with this, I looked at my white guitar and brushed the strings.

Valkyrie POV:
Cool a microphone! It was the best Christmas ever, I had finally got what I wanted! I knew what everyone else was getting, so I knew that we could have some kind of band. Jay or Mark could probably play drums, Hayley bass, Mia and Me guitar and I could do vocals. At least I had some kind of back up plan with collage, if being in a band didn't work then I could always go into computer work...Yeah right!

Mia POV:
I knew I was going to get something for my guitar, I always did. This year it was picks and wires, plus some band merch. I had quite a big family, we always had the whole family over for Christmas, all my cousins, aunty's and uncles. It sucked sometimes because it was always too busy, I hated it when there was too much noise and when I couldn't understand the conversations. I just sat back with my iPod. Maybe New Year will be better, I can spend it with my friends.

Hozzie POV:
Family Christmas vacation always sucked, it was sunny and I just wanted to lay in bed but we had to go out on the beach and get tanned. Although I did get some new paints, but I still couldn't use them yet. I was texting everyone, Frank was texting me back almost immediately and everyone else was a bit too bust with presents and family to reply.
“Come on Hollie join us in the pool!” my older sister called, whats the point in having a pool next to the sea?
I got up and walked over slowly, great another day in the pool.

Sarah POV:
I loved the Christmas party my parents threw every year. I could always meet up with other family members from Canada and California. They always felt sorry for me being stuck here, plus there was barely any sun compare to California. I always got some for of designer wear, this year shoes and dresses! Pink, purple and red, royal colours for this princess!
“I love your dress.” my aunty winked and trotted over to her kids, I just smiled.

Jenna POV:
Christmas was always full of funny things, this year the turkey blew up in the oven, just as my evil step Mum opened it. I laughed, tried to hide it but that didn't last long. I just sat in my room looking through my presents while downstairs they cleaned up the big pile of mess that had been caused by some great freak of something....HA!

Pippi POV:
I hate Christmas, why can't something fun happen! Plus I only has TEN presents! I hate everything and everyone!

Rosie POV:
“Whens dinner gonna be ready! I'm hungry!!” I shouted down the stairs.
It was almost one and I was HUNGRY. I had already opened my presents, some video games and a wide range of other things. I was constantly I.Ming Ray about his new guitar, he said I couldn't touch it then I stopped sending messages.
“In about twenty minutes!” Someone replied, breaking my thought.

Mark POV:
“So hows things been going?” I asked waiting for either of them to respond.
“It's been fun...I guess.” Jay answered, not really helping me.
It was very awkward and nobody wanted to speak up about anything.
“Maybe I should check on dinner.” my uncle got up leaving me and Jay to sit in the awkward pool that had been developed.

Nolee POV:
I was like the grinch on Christmas, it was just a mile-stone to get to New Year and party. Ugh! I need more beauty sleep...

Leslie POV:
I was spending Christmas with Maria at the homeless shelter.
“Feels good to help people doesn't it.” she said with more enthusiasm than I have ever had!
“Yep.” I put a fake smile with my lie and was good to go.
“Great! Next we can go to the animal shelter and help out the volunteers with finding them a new home.” she clapped her hands and went to the back to get more food.
This was going to be a great day, note the sarcasm!

Ray POV:
GUITAR! That is all....Oh and NEW AMP!
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