Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Been Holding On Forever

I'd rather go to hell than be in purgatory

by raygun33 0 reviews

"Who's the exterminator now?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-07-14 - Updated: 2011-07-15 - 1121 words

So many ideas planned :) I've got the next few chapters written out, so I hope you like this one...It would really help me to know what you think, even if you hate it. Thanks!

Night fell in the valley, and a chill came over the campsite. Party Poison adjusted his jacket and looked up at the stars. How strange it was that the entire universe-all those planets, moons, suns, galaxies- existed up there so peacefully while his own life was displayed so unimportantly below.
"They have no idea." He whispered, almost in a trance from his absent minded, existential state.
"Easy there, poison", he heard Fun Ghoul say.
"You okay over there?"
Party Poison sighed and came back to earth.
"Just thinking.", he said.
Fun Ghoul nodded sympathetically, and Jet Star prodded the fire with a stick. It was already burning out; made only from dried grass, twigs, wrappers and other trash. But then again, it was quite an accomplishment when you were surrounded by sand.
"I'm going to bed", mumbled Kobra Kid, before stretching and heading into the makeshift tent. The others soon followed him, but Party Poison stayed lying there for hours, watching the embers slowly die.

A loud sound woke Party Poison with a start. Alarmed but still groggy, he jumped up, dimly registering the fact that he was still outside on the ground.
Another blast rang out, and he came to his senses. Poisons eyes snapped up and scanned the horizon, noticing in record time the masked faces of three Dracs who were hiding in the brush.
"Guys," he called. "We've got Dracs!"
Kobra Kid came stumbling out of the tent, followed closely by Jet Star. In a slight panic, Kobra thrust out his raygun, exclaiming,
Poison laughed.
"Up there." he pointed.
Jet Star cursed under his breath.
"So it's going to be that kind of day." he said.
"Not quite." said Poison. "Look at them. They couldn't hit me if I was right in front of them....They already tried." he explained.
"Amateurs." Kobra hissed. by this point they were crouched by the Trans Am, each of them taking aim. Within seconds, three Dracs were down.
"Right." said Jet Star. "That was eventful."
They laughed and then looked around.
...."Where the Hell is Fun Ghoul?"
They soon heard confused mumbling coming from the tent.
"Lazy ass." Said Kobra. "Well, he didn't miss much."
Poison hid a smile and walked down the hill towards the campsite. Kicking sand into the fire pit, he gathered the few possessions they had left outside, and strode nonchalantly to the tent. He then kicked one of the supports, bringing it crashing down, and giggled at the sound of Fun Ghoul's high pitched scream.
"Let's get going. We need gas and food, unless you guys want this now."
He held up a can of BLI protein shit. He was sick of Power Pup, they were low on supplies, and things had been slow lately, meaning Poison was restless. The others could tell he needed to drive, so they agreed to set out early.
"Alright then." Poison dropped their belongings into the car, only to hear a strange cry from the back.
"Sorry, Grace!" A young, dirty and tanned face peered out from behind a mass of curls and blinked.

A few minutes later, they all (Fun Ghoul included) had piled into their precious Trans Am, windows down and speeding as fast as they could go.


Screaming. So many voices. Fire. Flames everywhere. It was so hot...Screaming! Make it stop! I have to go back...I have to go help them...Let me go...Let me go!

StarScream sat up, gasping. Chest heaving, she looked around wildly, getting her bearings to realize that her own screams had woken her up. Beginning to calm down, she reached up, pushed her long, dark hair out of her face, and turned to the back of the car where Zombie was whining with concern.
"It's alright." She said. "Just a dream.
But it happened. A voice in her head replied. She pushed the thought away, repeating,
"Just a dream."
Sighing, StarScream looked around. The top of the car was down, and it was sunrise. The entire sky was tinted a pale pink, with streaks of gold running through the clouds.
"Beautiful.", She murmured, and leaned back to watch the day begin. In the peaceful atmosphere, StarScream fell into her thoughts once again. The dream still haunted her, after all this time. Now, as she thought about it, she watched the scene in her head, this time as a stranger. Detached from the memory. A strange feeling came over her; hard, euphoric, dangerously calm. She looked up and smiled. Today, she thought, today will be a good day. She was feeling strong, invincible, and almost...vengeful.

It was days like this where the transmitter radio came in handy. When it wasn't used for virtual companionship, it offered useful information. And today she would need it. Today she wasn't being hunted. No. Today she was the hunter.

Mind made up, StarScream got out of the car, walked around it once, and set about sorting through the "valuables".

Taking one of the twelve packs of bottled water, she filled her canteen and the dented metal tin that Zombie drank from. Then she splashed a handful of water on her face and began to prepare for the day. There wasn't much she could do about clothes, but she straightened her red cut up t-shirt, pulled up her restricting black skinny jeans, and traded her hole-ridden Chuck Tailors for the tight black mid-calf boots that she always wore when she meant business. Assessing the damage in the Cougar's side view mirror, she exhaled in disgust before applying her signature red lipstick. As she tied her many armbands and bandanas around her thin right wrist, she switched on the radio. It took a while to find voices in all the static, but eventually she was greeted with the satisfying sound of a report.
"Alright, Zonerunners. This is Doctor Death Defying. For all you Dust Punks out there, we got news of some bitch-bot Draculoids hanging about six miles from Battery City. This Drac Horde is sure to exterminate, Motorbabies. If I were you, I'd stay alive."

StarScream's eyes narrowed and her red lips curved into a smile.
"Time to go, Zombie."
She shook out her mess of waves and shrugged into her high collared leather jacket. Then she took out her ever so close by paint set, selected a brush, and carefully painted a large black X over her left eye.
"Who's the exterminator now?" She said softly. And with that, she hit the gas.
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