Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hot & Cold 2

Hot & Cold 2

by MCR_Vampire_321 3 reviews

Lucy & Gerard are in a relationship but then Lucy starts acting strange... Has she gone off Gerard?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-22 - Updated: 2011-07-22 - 2114 words - Complete

Lucy’s POV…

“Do you think we’ll still be dating in twenty years?” I asked Gerard, leaning my head on his shoulder.
He smiled at me “I like to think that by then we’ll be married.”
“God, I hate sitting with you six.” Ray sighed, shaking his head at us. Bob nodded in agreement. I looked around at our group. Ray and Bob were sitting by themselves. I was sitting with my head on Gerard’s shoulder and holding his hands. Chloe was practically sitting on Frank and he was running his hand up and down her back. Mikey had his arm round Hollie who as usual, was practically staring into space.
I giggled “Sorry, we can’t help it!”
“You could save your snogging for after school when you’re alone?” Bob suggested.
Chloe looked over at him “But we’re not even snogging!”
All of us laughed just as the bell rang for fourth lesson. It was Maths and I totally hate Maths. I used to love it even when I sat next to Gerard with Hollie in front of me next to Mikey and Chloe with Frank in front of them. But then we took a random test. I did really well, better than Hollie and Chloe. They did well too but some people did better so they were moved down so that people could move up into top set. Gerard and Mikey moved down as well. Now it was just me and Frank in top set but we’d been put on opposite sides of the room. So now I was sat next to a random boy called Kurt who every so often whispered in my ear “I really fancy your sister Chloe.”
But today was different. I took my usual seat and as usual Kurt whispered “I really fancy your sister Chloe.”
And as usual, I replied “Kurt, my sister already has a boyfriend.”
Miss Pills stood at the front of the classroom and started trying to get the classes attention. It didn’t really work for about twenty minutes but then we all decided to see what she had to say. “Finally, you’re listening!” She sighed loudly “We have a new student today. Her name is Rebecca Ball.”
My head snapped up at the sound of her name. I had been staring at my desk, not really bothering to pay attention but I suddenly started listening when I heard her name. And standing next to Miss Pills was my friend from England, Becca.
Becca noticed I was in the class too and looked surprised. Then she smiled at me and waved. I waved back, wondering how Hollie and Chloe would re-act to seeing Becca in America. Back in England our favourite lesson had been Technology simply because all four of us could be together with no-one else interrupting, because we weren’t really friends with anyone else in that class.
Much to my disappointment, Miss Pills sent Becca to go and sit on the other side of the room to me, over near Frank. There was so much we had to talk about! I wanted to see how she’d re-act when I told her about me having a boyfriend. About Hollie having a boyfriend! Becca probably won’t be so shocked that Chloe has a boyfriend; she had a couple back in England. Becca needs to see Hollies hair, she’s dyed it dark brown with red streaks. Chloe and I weren’t sure about it at first but it honestly looks really nice. And now she wears contact lenses.
Chloe’s changed a little too. Chloe used to be obsessed with Thirty Seconds to Mars but now she’s fallen in love with All Time Low. She’s already seen them twice and she’s entered a competition to meet them about a million times. She’s even joined the netball team because she’s suddenly decided that she likes netball. Chloe’s never taken part in an after school activity, Hollie and I never thought it’d happen.
And I’ve changed too. I never thought I’d get a boyfriend but I have! One day Gerard told me my hair looked pretty when I wore it down and Hollie kept stealing my hair bobble everyday so now I just wear my hair down all the time. And something else pretty weird has happened. I’ve started wearing make-up! Well only a bit of mascara but it’s a lot more than I used to wear.
I was agitated all lesson, I couldn’t wait to get out so that I could talk to Becca. We had to get out so that Chloe and Hollie could see that she’d shown up.
Finally the bell rang. Miss Pills told the class to settle back down because we had a five minute detention but no one listened and everyone filed out of the classroom. Becca stood at the back of the classroom waiting for me to walk over, which I did straight away. I threw my arms around her neck and she wrapped hers around me “I can’t believe you’re here!” I giggled, pulling away after a couple of seconds.
She smiled at me “When my Mom said we were moving over here I did hope that it’d be to the same town as you guys, but I didn’t think it’d actually happen! Oh my god! Where are Chloe and Hollie? I can’t wait to see them!”
She was bubbling with happiness but I had to make her unhappy when I informed her that I had French while Hollie and Chloe had IT. I don’t know why they split us up randomly but it wasn’t fair. Becca checked her timetable and said that she too had French.
The only thing I really liked about French was that Gerard was in that lesson with me. He was waiting outside the maths classroom for me. “Did Hollie or Chloe wait for me today?” I asked him because sometimes they wanted to tell me something stupid or random. Once Hollie stopped me outside Maths just to say ‘Jack my swag’. Olivia just had to send her the link to the song ‘My Jeans’ didn’t she?
Gerard shook his head “Hollie yelled something about IT being awesome because ‘Tender Thrusts’ doesn’t make you do any work so she wants to go on Tumblr. And last time I saw Chloe, she was skipping off down the corridor holding Franks hand.”
I giggled “Oh Gerard, meet my friend Becca. We were friends back in England and now she’s moved here!”
Gerard smiled at Becca “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!
Becca smiled back at him too and replied that it was nice to meet him too. She looked at our clasped hands and giggled “You two are together?” I nodded “Seriously Lucy, you’ve got a boyfriend? Wow I never thought that’d happen! No offence!”
Gerard laughed “Oh trust me, it wasn’t easy to get with Lucy.”
I laughed too “I’ve apologised a load of times for that!”

Hollies POV…

“Are you going to wait for Lucy?” Gerard asked me as I skipped down the corridor.
I shook my head “No way! It’s IT and Tender Thrusts doesn’t make us do anything! I’ve gotta get on Tumblr!”
Just behind me were Frank and Chloe giggling as they held hands and skipped down the corridor like a pair of little girls. I turned to them and asked “Where’s Mikey?”
“Right here,” Mikey was suddenly standing next to me. He took my hand and smiled at me “Hey.”
Frank and Chloe skipped off down the corridor wolf-whistling at us for some strange reason. I ignored them and smiled back at Mikey “Hi.”
He leaned over and kissed me gently. When he pulled away he said “Wow, the corridors are suddenly empty.”
We looked around and burst out laughing. We’d been there longer than we thought so we had to run down the corridor and up the stairs to IT. But we were laughing so hard that it hurt as we ran. When we finally got to IT there were only two seats left. One next to Ray and one next to the random weirdo Kurt. Me and Mikey stood there for a second before running to the seat next to Ray. After a small ‘fight’ I managed to win the chair. Mainly because Mikey doesn’t like hurting me. He he he…
Halfway through the lesson, when I was surfing through Tumblr when suddenly Ray turned to me and asked “Why do you like Mikey so much?”
I thought about it for a minute before asking “Why?”
“I’m just wondering.”
“Because he listens to me, he’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever met and he’s totally hot!” I replied, smiling.
Ray looked down “So, to get a girlfriend, I’ve got to be all those things…”
I sat there awkwardly for a second “Well, every girl’s different. All girl’s like different things.”
“I’m sick of being single!” He burst “And there’s this girl I really like… Could you… Maybe you and Chloe…”
“Help you get with her?” I asked. I was joking but Ray nodded.
I thought about it for a minute before replying “Well, I’ll talk to Chloe about it. I guess we could try…”
“Thank you so much!” Ray beamed.
The bell rang for the end of the day and I pushed my chair under the table. Mikey came over and hugged me “Wow, I really missed you…”
I laughed and hugged him back “I missed you too!”
“Hollie, stop getting off with Mikey for one second!” Chloe yelled loudly, parading over to us.
I pulled away from him “Chloe, we weren’t-“
“We weren’t ya ya ya.” Chloe giggled “I just got a text off Lucy and she says that something great has happened. We have to meet her at the front gates.”
“Maybe she’s pregnant?” Frank suggested “And Gerard’s the Dad! Oh my god, what do you reckon they’d call their babies?”
“Shut up!” I laughed “Come on; let’s go see what Lucy wants…”

Chloe’s POV…

“What’s so amazing then?” I asked Hollie as we looked over at Lucy and Gerard standing by the gates.
Hollie shrugged “I don’t kn-“Hollie stopped in mid-sentence and suddenly yelled “Becca!” She dropped Mikey’s hand and ran over to some girl standing at the front gates and threw her arms round her.
One second, that’s not some random girl… That’s Becca!
I dropped Frank’s hand and ran over to Becca screaming her name. When I was finished hugging her, me and Hollie looked over at Frank and Mikey. They looked so confused that we both laughed at them.
I turned back to Becca “What are you doing here?”
“My parents got a job out here!” Becca told me “Me, my parents and my little brother had to move over here. I didn’t think we’d be going to the same school until today though, otherwise I’d have told you!”
“That’s great!” I grinned at her and pointed at Frank “That guy over there’s my boyfriend Frank.”
Hollie pointed at Mikey “And the even cuter guy standing next to him is my boyfriend Mikey!”
Becca giggled and looked at the both of us “I can’t believe how much you guys have changed.”
“We haven’t changed personality wise!” Lucy grinned. She looked at me and Hollie “Okay, I’ve changed a little… These two haven’t, they’re still insane.”
Becca nodded and smiled “Good thing too, I’d cry if you guys had changed!”
Mikey and Frank finally made it next to us. “Who’s this?” Frank asked, putting his arm round me.
I smiled at him “This is our friend from England, Becca. She’s moved here, isn’t that awesome?”
Frank nodded and pulled me closer to him. I giggled and whispered “In front of Becca?”
“You didn’t mind skipping down the corridors with me earlier in full view of everyone but you can’t give me one kiss in front of Becca?”
I giggled and gave him a kiss because I knew he wouldn’t drop it. And I wanted to kiss him anyway… I could hear Becca giggling, Ray wolf-whistling and Gerard muttering something to Lucy. Maybe Becca could get with Ray or Bob? This is going to be awesome!
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