Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Farther Away

Feels like Fallen

by darks00 1 review

Julius slowly fell back, gave a soft moan, and took in a deep breathe. "JULIUS! Don't die because of me!" screamed Delilah. "Good-bye, Delilah." Then everything went black.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-06-03 - Updated: 2006-06-04 - 313 words

Chapter 1: Feels like Falling

Julius' point of view:

Dr.Dismay was right infront of Delilah and me.

"Give it up, Dr.Dismay." Delilah said, giving her piercing eye stare.

"NEVER!" shouted Dr.Dismay.

Then, Dr. Dismay did something unexopected. Under his cape, he grabbed out a black gun. he slowly pointed it to me, then Delilah. Delilah amd me gasped at the same time.

"Who should go first? Gumdrop or lollipop?" He asked, smirking.

His gun pointed to Delilah. NO, not her! I screamed in my head.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" I screamed.

Dr.Dismay laughed. "oooohhhh, so just before she dies, you finally get your feelings out...."

I blushed. Oh, God, curse you Dr.Dismay...

He laughed again, as he slowly began to pull the trigger. "NO!" I screamed. I quickly pushed Delilah out of the way. She fell to the ground, and she screamed as I heard Dr.Dismay pull the trigger.

Delilahs point of view:

"JULIUS, NO!" I shouted.

But it was too late. The bullet soon hit Julius in his chest. He screamed, as he fell to the ground. Dr.Dismay laughed, as he made his get away. I didn't care. I ran up to Julius. Julius lead off a soft moan. I pushed his blonde hair out of his face.

"Julius..." I cried out.

My tears were dripping on Julius shirt. Julius only smiled through the pain.

"I'm glad you will be the last person I see, Delilah." Julius said softly.

"NO! I won't let you die becuse of me!" I screamed.

"I wanted to." Julius replied.

Julius began to hold his hand against his wound, wincing in pain. I quickly put his hand into mine.

"NO!" I screamed.

Julius only gave a soft moan. I could see Julius was crying now.

"good bye, Delilah..." Julius slowly said.

Julius' eyes slowly began to close.

"JULIUS!" I screamed.

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