Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ++Stay+Gerard Way++

++Stay+Gerard Way++Safe?++#06++

by RavenxBlack 0 reviews

The hunger in his eyes was undeniable, he was going to kill me soon, he would do it out of desperation.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [?] - Published: 2011-08-01 - Updated: 2011-08-02 - 217 words

As soon as I saw him i felt home again. But before I could reach him in anyway, I was thrown back into the room by Adrian, hitting my head on the wall so hard that in felt the warm blood on the back of my head. My vision was blurry, something was wrong.

Adrian snapped his head towards me, with hungry eyes. He pushed everyone out of the room with one bug hit, and slammed the door. Then he was in front of me so fast, crouching in front of me so close. He reached out his hand to touch my bloody head. The hunger in his eyes was undeniable, he was going to kill me soon, he would do it out of desperation.

But then something strange happened. He helped me up, so gently, still pressing his hand on my bloody head. I caught sight of his face through the blurry-ness, his teeth were clenched, it looked like he was in a lot of agony.

He laid me on the bed, still so softly. he reached for something in his draw, it looked white and fluffy to me, but my eye sight was screwed. He put it on my head, pressing on the bloody patch.

He reached for something else, and then I fell unconscious.
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