Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Watch Your Step

by Fatalfashionista 0 reviews

After being captured at BLInd at 6, Ella Mist was captured by the Killjoys. Will she be trusted?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-14 - Updated: 2011-08-14 - 1326 words

I still remember being six when it all happened. I had just finished putting away my coloring book and had walked in the kitchen.
“Hello, mother.” I said, sweetly.
“Hello, dear, did you have a nice coloring time?” My mom had asked me.
“Yes, mother.” I answered. Then I heard a car door slam. My mom's face went pale.
“What is it, mother?” I had asked her.
“Honey, go into your special door.” My mother had said, pushing me toward my room.
“What?” I asked, looked at her, desperate.
“There are some very bad men out there, with bad guns that can hurt us. Please, go!” My mother had shoved me into my room and slammed the door, locking me inside. I ran and opened my special door, running through the tunnels till I found the hole I had made to see into the living room. I sat there and watched as five men walked into the room. Four were wearing scary vampire masks on and the fifth was a tall man with strawberry blond hair. He had on a black suit and a white tie.
“Mrs. Mist. So good to see you.” He said, smiling at her. My mother, pulling her long, black hair back and staring up at him defiantly, nodded.
“Exterminator John.” She said, not looking him in the eye.
“I hear from an excellent source that you covet a Creator's child. Is this true?”
“James died two years ago. We never had a child without permission.”
“Then why is this...” Exterminator John held out his hand. In it was a small fly. One of the flybots. “showing pictures of a young girl, about six years old?”
My mother hesitated before answering. “Your flybots must not be as perfect as you had planned.”
“I can find other ways to prove it.” He smiled at her, then nodded at two of the vampire men. They took hold of my mother's arms, restraining her. He grabbed her shirt and pulled it up, exposing her stomach.
“NO! YOU B....” She screamed, but one of the vampire men pressed his hand against her mouth.
“Stretch marks, Mrs. Mist? Now, how does one get those?” He grinned and then nodded at the remaining vampire men. They ransacked the house, until I heard the special door break down. I started running down the escape tunnel, but I tripped on my skirt, and the vampire men caught up with me. They grabbed me and carried me, squirming and screaming until I saw Exterminator John. I froze and stared at him and my mother. She was crying and he was laughing. I had never seen anything so cruel in my life.
“Ah, so who are you, my dear?” He said, bending down till we were face to face.
“, s...s...sir.” I answered, tearing up.
“Oh Ella, don't cry. I'm here to take you into a new world, where you'll be wonderful and appreciated for your talents.” He caressed my cheek with his gloved hand.
“Don't take her, please! I'm begging you! Please!” My mother yelled.
“I must, you know the rules, Mrs. Mist. No child over six may stay in the household. She's going to help us win the war.” He nodded at the vampire men holding me. They took me outside.
“MOMMY!” I screamed.
“Stay strong, baby! I love you!” My mom called. I turned just in time to see Exterminator John place a gun below my mother's chin. I blinked and where my mother was, was a pile of dust.
“NO!” I screamed and struggled. The vampire men threw me in a long black van.
“Welcome to a Better Life.” Exterminator John said before closing the van door. I felt the van moving. I started screaming as much as I could. I started pounding against the walls with my small fists. I tried breaking the locks. Nothing. I guess I annoyed them, because a smelly gas was pouring from the front into the back of the van. My screams became mummers and I finally fell asleep.
“Ella! Ella!” I stirred and looked up, there was Grant, smiling at me.
“Hey there.” I smiled at him.
“Are you ready for our first day of Draculoid training?” he asked.
“I.....I guess.” I sighed. He laughed.
“Did you really want to sleep all day?”
“No, no, I'm getting up.” I said, standing up and stretching.
“Man, you look beautiful doing that.” He said, stroking my hair. I grimaced up at him.
“Grant, I'm getting up. My hair's a mess and I have morning breath.”
“Two wonderful things about waking you up. Now hurry, or you'll be late for breakfast!” He laughed, walking out of the room. I stared after him, smiling. We were both children of Creators. In fact, we were both children of the most famous Creators in Battery City. They said we could win the war against the Rebels. I didn't care about that. Life here was so boring. Grant was....amazing. He was the one who got me through the days, keeping me smiling. I washed up and then put on my white blouse with my white pants. My white shoes seemed boring in my white closet. I always thought it weird, how we had to be so white. I combed my short, spiky hair and put on some makeup. After everything was assembled, I looked into the mirror. My spiky brown hair didn't seem to want to stay down, and my large brown eyes seemed larger then anyone else. My ruby lips were paled with the lipstick they had given me. I looked strange, not.....regular. I sighed and walked out of the room to the dining hall. There was Grant, sitting at the table with Marlory. She was playing with her long black hair and staring at Justin, one of the most popular teenagers in the class.
“Hey, babe, I have some food for you. You nervous?” He asked, holding out a multi-grain bagel and plain yogurt.
“I guess. I just hope Justin doesn't have anything to say about my eyes again.” I said, sighing.
“What? Sorry, I was lost in the sea of choclate.” He said, smiling and holding my hand.
“What?” I asked him, confused.
“Your eyes, silly.” He said, laughing.
I laughed too. I looked down at my oh-so-healthy breakfast and dreamed about Kaptain Kangaroo and Frankenberry.
“I hope I get partnered with Justin for drills.” Malory sighed, staring helplessly at Justin.
“I hope he doesn't pay attention to me at all.” I sighed, taking a bite of the bagel.
“Everything is going to be wonderful, trust me.” Grant said, stoking my hair, and staring straight at me.
“Grant, I can't eat with you staring at me all the time.” I said, wrinkling my nose.
“I'm sorry, I can't help it! You're so beautiful.” He said, pretending to struggle to turn his head.
“I hear that after training for a few weeks, we get to start taking the pills.” Malory said, messing with her bagel.
“Won't it be wonderful? Moving up in the world! We'll show everyone our destiny.” Grant smiled, taking a piece of my bagel and chewing on it.
“Yay! Medication!” I said, sarcastically.
“I hear once you get those for a few weeks, Exterminator John will give you two private lessons. There have been rumors about it all over the school.” Malory said.
“I can't wait! John is my cousin, so I'm sure he'll give us good advice.” Grant grinned.
“Yeah. Can't wait.” I said, distracted. My dream. Seeing a pile of ashes where my mother once stood. I shivered. Would he even really remember me?
“I hear that you two will be instructed in mechanics and medicine. You two are supposed to help win the war.” Malory finished.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. The chosen ones.” I sighed and got a glass of water, too nervous to eat.
“I can't wait to start!” Grant answered, enthusiastic.
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