Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome to America

Welcome to America

by nici160 2 reviews

Frank is an exchange student and Gerard's family host him. Fun and mayhem are sure to come. And maybe some Frerard too... :) Rated R coz I don't know whats going to happen. In Frank's POV.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2011-08-18 - Updated: 2011-08-18 - 558 words

AN: This is my first fic ever, let alone my first Frerard fic. So be nice, although constructive criticism is welcome. I am Australian so I will spell words differently as you guys will find out. So no harping on my spelling of words like colour or favourite or mum (color, favorite or mom. God, it feels wrong to even type them that way, lol)

It all started when my dad died, the name calling and bloody beatings. The name Frank Iero was probably more well known by the hospital staff than the fellow students in my school. Frank Iero, thats me. I'm 5'4" and relatively shy. And soon I'm flying to America to live as an exchange student for a year. I'm kinda scared but I'm excited at the same time, I get to leave this shit hole for a year and get away from the jerks at school. My bags are packed and my mum and I are loading them into the car so we can go to Sydney airport and I can catch my plane. After the car's loaded we hop in and start to drive. I grab my Ipod out and put the earphones in shutting out the world for a couple of hours.

Gerard's POV
Great, we're getting a kid whose gonna live with us for a year. With my luck he's gonna be a sissy, nancy boy who'll cry for his mummy every time something goes wrong. Why did my brother convince our parents to accept an exchange student? This blows. We're gonna go meet him today. I hope this goes better than I'm thinking it will. I walked into the loungeroom and see Mikey's brown hair bent over a brightly coloured A3 piece of cardboard. I wandered over to him and I guess curiosity got the better of me.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.
"What does it look like? I'm making a poster, duh." Mikey replied.
I sat next to him and took a good look at the poster. It says "Welcome to America Frank!". His name is Frank, I didn't know that. Guess I was so against hosting a student that I didn't even learn anything about him.
"So tell me about Frank, Mikes." I said.
"Frank is 17 and he put on his profile that he's shy. The profile says he's 5'4" but he doesn't look short in the picture." He answered.
"Wait, there's a profile? Can I have a look?"
"Sure, I'll go get it. Whats with the sudden interest? You've been so opposed to the idea that you haven't bothered helping with any preparations."
Mikey walked out of the room and returned with a thick manila folder. I opened it up and saw the face of a god. I think I'm gonna enjoy having a host student now. I read his stats and learnt that his favourite movies are horror, just like me. All night scream-a-thons here we come. I should've looked at this folder earlier. Can't wait to meet him now. We pile into my mum's Jeep and set off. The hour to the airport couldn't go any slower.

[*AN: That's chapter 1. Sorry it's so short but I'm just posting as I write. Feedback is welcome, but I won't push for reviews or comments like I see people doing in stories I read.
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