Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Make a Rockin Wish

[Give Me A Name]

by Popciclegirl 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-06-06 - Updated: 2006-06-06 - 410 words

I opened my front door to see my 16 year old sister in the doorway with a coat and keys.

"Bella! What are you doing awake! You have school tommorow! Does mom know your awake?!" I said sounding like my mother.

"No! Your not mom! Does she know your awake!?"

"I'm 23 years old! Don't need her permission!"

"The concert was finished at 9:00! It's 3 am! What were you doing?"

"Hanging out with the band! What are you doing with moms car keys?"

"I was going out!"

"Where?! Well, it doesn't matter. Your not goin anywhere!"

"How would you know?"

"We got social security!"

"Closer" By Jimmy Eat World is playing.


Phone Rings
"Hello?......Who is this?......hold on.... I'll put her on. ROXY! PHONE FOR YOU! SOMEONE NAMED MIKEY WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!!!!" Bella screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Coming!" Why did she pick up my cell? I asked myself.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey! WHo was that?" I heard Mikey say.

"Thats my little sister, Bella."

"Oh. I was wondering...first of all are you at all close to Belleview?"

"I live in Beachwood."

"Okay! The bus'll be here at 5!"


"Love you bye!" He then hung up.

"Was that your BOY FRIEND?!" My sister teased.

"Yes it was."

"Oh! Whats his name!"

"Mikey Way." I said watching my sisters jaw fall to the floor.

Trying to attach it back to her mouth she slowly said "Please tell me your joking."

"I'm not."

"I hope you know moms gonna kill you for dating an older guy!"

"As I said last night. I'm 23. I don't need moms permission."

"Permission for what?" My mom said as she walked through the door.

"I'm gonna tell mom!" My sister whispered to me. "Roxy's dating an older dude!"

My mom looked at me with her bloodshot eyes. "WHAT! Exactly how old?"

"25, 26 in october." I mumbled.

"You may be old enough to have your own rules but you live under my roof, under my rules! So unless he's a year younger than you or a year older than you!"

"Jeeze mom it's only 3 years!"

"3 years to old" Bella said sticking to my moms side.

"Thank you Bella!"

"Well, dad would have let me!"

"Well dad is in california and I'm not re-marring him so you can date an older guy!"

"Mikey's picking me up at 5 and I'm going whether you like it or not!" I said running into my room.
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