Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Dream Come True

out of the blue

by Ash_Lee14 0 reviews

when Bella's friend Sean contacts her with some good - yet surprising news

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2011-08-29 - Updated: 2011-08-30 - 603 words

okay so its been a while - and im prettty sure no one remembers me... well anyway im back and im full of ideas... i have given up with my other story's - i have no staying power at the moment, this is the only one that i have any inspiration for as it is a recurring dream... don't ask - its freaking me out a bit...

we did the usual friend thing - talking, playing guitar hero... okay maybe that's just us... and freaking out over the fact that we were seeing our all time favourite band in the universe...
"I have nothing to wear!" i exclaimed in realisation - all my cloths that i had brought with me were plain and boring, and i hadn't enough money to buy a band tee at this notice, the gig was in, i counted on my fingers, ONE AND A HALF DAYS!
"Calm down lily, silly munch kin - you can borrow one of my My Chem tops" Bella grinned at me like i was stupid.
"yeah yeah - i forgot you had every single good band tee under the sun.." i rolled my eyes, it was true - they must send them too her to test them out or something, it was like, one draw was full of tees - the other full of neon colour tights, one full of short shorts to go with the tights, and then another filled with skinny jeans, but what can you say - the girl has style...
"oh shush - do you want, the Black parade one with - well, the black parade on it - or the one with the gas masks?" she asked me - holding each shirt up in turn.
"the one with the gas masks. so i dont have to look at them - you know i hate the look of them, they scare the living shit outta me" we looked at each other and burst out into teenagers.
our little sing-along was interrupted by the shrill ring of Bella's phone. she picked it up, briefly checking the caller ID
"Hey Sean" she giggled into the little piece of technology, i rolled my eyes, she had a slight obsession going for this dude
"Wait - WHAT" she exclaimed, making me jump "oh my Gerard, that. is. awesome - are you being serious. because dude if your not i will fly to america and whoop your ass...yes oh my gee, okay well thank you... bye!" she took the little green phone away from her ear, practically throwing it onto the bed and in the same movement, jumped, landing just millimetres away from me.
"you know Sean right" she asked me - eyes lighting up
"i know OF him" i answered, the dude sounded awesome - but the only conversation we had had was when we were calling each other fruit as insults..
"WELL, HES KNOWS MIKEY FUCKING WAY" she screamed in my face
"no way!" i answered - knowing she should get it
"YES WAY- MIKEY WAY!" she screamed at me again, this time she was running around the room instead of her nose being millimetres away from my own. "AND I TOLD HIM TO GIVE MIKEY MY NUMBER"
"Are you blond?! you dont look it - BUT ARE YOU BLOND?! You never know who this person could be - it could be some pedo..." i looked down - pessimism was a bitch
"Yeeees but im really sure that Sean wouldnt do that to me..." she put her hands oon her hip - slightly offended.
"well im just saying - you know..."
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