Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

27. Sweatbox

by theescapist99 4 reviews

"Hot air filled the box and his lungs." Suggested by: KobraKid

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-08-31 - Updated: 2011-08-31 - 453 words - Complete

27. Sweatbox

A shaken Gerard rocked back and forth on his bed. Someone had come in and taken the girl's body quite some time ago, but they had kept it there long enough to be sure the image would be imprinted in his mind forever. He could barely get it out of his thoughts now, voices in his head calling him a murderer. They were only stopped now and then by the ringing in his ears from her screams as he killed her in cold blood.

He deserved to die. No one was looking for him. Lindsey and Bandit were likely dead. Gerard desperately just wanted everything to end. He looked around but there was nothing to properly commit suicide with. For a while, he tried gnawing on his own tongue to get him to bleed to death, but achieved little to no progress.

Soon, more blackbirds flew in. They wheeled in what looked like a large coffin. A blackbird picked Gerard up gently, and another one opened the box. It looked as though a simple box.

Gerard was then laid down inside it. It was uncomfortably small and wooden. They said nothing before they closed the lid on him, surrounding him in darkness.

Gerard felt the box along with himself being placed upright. Only a few seconds in and he was already struggling to breathe. Suddenly, he felt hot air come upon him. He wondered how air was coming in at all, and he looked down to find the source.

Near his feet, there was a small hole. In that hole, what looked like a small heater was pushed through. The heater was on at full speed and blowing hot air into the box.

It almost had a soothing effect, at first. He had been so cold without any clothes, blankets, or sheets. It was nice to feel warm for once. Yet the soothing feeling did not last long, and it was soon enough that Gerard already began to sweat profusely.

Hot air filled the box and his lungs. Beginning to panic, he began to bang against the walls to see if he could bust a hole open or break down the door. Yet the box was sealed shut, and very sturdy.

He began to pant, his hair sticking to his face. Breathing was becoming difficult. His body was drenched in his sweat. He sweat out all his fluids until he was surely dehydrated. He found himself constantly licking his lips from the painful dryness in them.

Although Gerard did not know it, considering he had lost any sense of time, he was left to bake there for 2 entire days.


Next chapter: "Gambling riders pull the strings. Pull them tighter, let them in..."
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