Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Make a Rockin Wish

Bravery & Bunks

by Popciclegirl 0 reviews

Look at the bus!!!!!!!!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2006-06-06 - Updated: 2006-06-07 - 677 words

"So, let's start our tour!" Cloe led me to a what looked like a hallway door. This is the bunk room. We have like 4 extra beds. If you want you can share with Mikey, or not, here's your own."

"Are you staying with Gerard or..."

"He's my husband. He would think somethings wrong if I didn't, next is the bathroom. Just to let you know. It's not boy or girl or anything. I don't like that either." We contiued walking untill she stopped and asked something. "How long have you two been dating?"

"At least 3 days" I answered.

"Oh. How old are you? We've had earlyer problems with underage once some 15 year old girl was hitting on Ray. But more than just the flirting."

"I'm 23."

"Good. Those other people are so annoying. They act like they've known the guys forever. To tell you the truth they act like they're older than them. Here's the recording room. Girls are not allowed. I think thats when they talk about celeberties, like Lindsay Lohan and all that junk. Leaving their true loved ones behind! For a few minutes at least. It was funny, me and Franks wife spyed on them once and they were acting like a bunch of 11 year olds. So that's really it. Oh and um... the kitchen is in the living room. So tell me, how exactly did you and Mikey meet?""

"I won a contest to see MCR and go backstage with them. Everybody left and it was just me and Mikey, we started talking and not long after, I found myself...kissing him."

"I love those storys. As for me. I have a different story a much longer one."

"I do to...can you tell me?"

"Sure! When I was in hig-"

"Pizza's here." Ray said as he slammed open the door.

"I'll tell it later. It's very long." I nodded at Cloes words. "Let's go"


Fuse is playing in the background
IT was a simple evening, everyone was cracking up.

"So, ha! HE was like, thats no dude in a mask! Thats my mother!" Bob said between laughs.

"I don't get it." Gerard said.

"Okay, okay. There are 10 birds on a wire. A gun is fired at one of them. How many birds are left?" Bob asked.

"Nine, duh!" Gerard said seeming smart.

"No." Mikey said. "A gun was fired. Wouldn't you think it scared all of them away?"


"Well it did! THAT'S THE ANSWER TO THE RIDDLE!" Mikey yelled.

"We're only 5 minutes away baby? Please come!.....You can share a bunk with me.......I don't get it, Cloe is here! So is Mikey's girlfriend!.......Be lucky I'm nice........fine....I'll see you in 3 weeks. I love you.......bye. I still don't get it!" Frank said.

"Just give it up Frankie. She doesn't wanna come! She'd rather have you all to herself." Ray said pinching Franks cheeks(face).

"Shut up. I gave her the opertunity. She refused it! Her loss not mine." Frank said practicly weeping. "I'm going to my bunk."

After watching Frank slouching to the bunk Mikey finally lost it.

"Okay, I'm gonna call her." Mikey said dialing her number. "Hello. No this is not Frank. You just sent him back to the bunk practicly crying......okay I'm gonna put him on." Mikey gave Frank the phone.

"That was really brave for you to do." I said.

"I'm just getting sick of Carla complaining all the time! Mine as well just tell him whats wrong!"

Everyone went to the door to listen to Frank and Carlas conversation.

"Whatever I did wrong I'm sorry......I didn't do anything wrong? Then why are you tourturing me like this!........You are never a bother on the tour!......really?!!!......The you seriously should come so I can be with you!.......Cloe cam when she was she wasn't a problem!.......This is a good thing......okay we'll pick you up in 5. You'd better hurry up and pack! Love you too! Bye. Yes!"

"Did it work?" I asked Frank.

"Yes! Shes coming!"
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