Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Dragon Heart-Strings

The Depart

by HalfBloodPrincess 0 reviews

After the war the Malfoy's flee to the America. As Draco and family try to integrate in the American Muggle world and still keep their identifications a secret. He meets new people that turn his wo...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Draco,Lucius,Narcissa - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2011-08-24 - Updated: 2011-09-11 - 856 words

Chapter 1: The Depart.

Cold air brushed Draco's cheek as he enter the cold, unwelcoming foyer of his childhood home, the Malfoy Manor. He knew his task and time restriction. With urgent steps he hurried through the house ignoring the house elf speaking to him. He rushed straight up the stairs to the bedroom he had always known, it looked the same. One would never guess that his whole world had fallen apart. Frantically he searched his room, for lost items not giving a damn how he left the state of his room as the looming deadline ticked in his robes. There on the dresser in clear daylight lay the item he searched for, his school trunk. He had magically altered it, before his six year, to be easily concealed in his pocket, as to not be searched and expanded to fit more necessary items. Hastily, he pulled his mother's wand and taped the tuck twice. It grew 500 times it size and flung open. In a hurry, he piled in as many of his possessions as possible knowing he might never return to his room.

At last all his items were packed, it a not so orderly order and all that was left was acquiring the Malfoy Family Jewels and irreplaceable family heirlooms. Flicking his wand and muttering the incantation “Accio,” the heirlooms zoomed into the room at fast speeds. Just as the last earring neatly placed itself into the truck Draco's pocket burned hot, his time was up. Quickly he shut the truck and tapped it three times returning it to it's pocket sized feature. While placing the truck into his pocket Draco felt the heat radiating off his Grandfather Black's pocket watch. With one last look around the room he felt a familiar tug at his belly button and darkness engulfing him.

Draco landed on soft marshland of Cumbria. Silently he cursed at the slight of mud on his extremely expensive dragon hide boots. Seconds later Draco heard the familiar “POPs” of his mother and fathers arrival next to him. His mother Narcissa gave his father Lucius a glare and said, “Honestly Lucius, did we have to apperate to this horrid place?” as she gave Draco a wand she had just obtained from Olivanders and excepting her own.

“My Dear,” Lucius started expecting his new wand from his wife. “It is of the utmost importance that we go into hiding into a place that no one would even bother looking for us. As soon as the ministry connives they will be looking for us, we cannot hide behind our wealth anymore. Precious Potter will make sure the lot of us are thrown into Azkaban and never thought of again. We will be hunted down like common deer.”

“But Lucius, we-I saved him from the Dark Lord surly he will be merciful?” Narcissa asked hopeful.

“Narcissa, my dear, it must be done, I am not risk that chance of seeing my family being imprisoned. Self preservation is one of the highest qualities of a Slytherin, let us not forget.” Self preservation was right Draco thought Father is only worried about keep his arse out of there.

Narcissa stared at her husband in defeat, “Then where is this place, my love? Where is the place you take us, your family, to protect?” She now wore a look of fake adoration for her husband, Draco noted.

“A dirty, dreadful place, my dear.” Lucius looked as if he had smelt rotting flesh, “A place of no class or shame. There muggles are crawling like cockroaches. They even try to live muggle lifestyle. It is purely disgusting, no one not even the chosen one would think of looking for us there with there undignified ways of living like the filth are equal to the greatness of wizards. America.”

Draco's face scrunched, “Father, please why there? There must be another way, place we could go?”he questioned his father.

“No Draco, there is no other place.” Lucius slammed down his staff indicating his word was irrefutable. Draco lowered his head in defeat.

Narcissa placed he had on her husband shoulder, “How will we be getting there my darling? Surly we cannot take a porkey or floo...the ministry will know and it much to long of a journey for apperation.”

Lucius cut her off, “Too long for apperation? Am I not the most power wizard now that both Dumbledore are the Dark Lord as fallen?” disgust of his wife was written all over his face.

“Yes, yes,” Narcissa answered at once. “Of course you are. I was only...”

“Do you find me not strong enough to protect my family?” malice laced in Lucius voice.

“No, Lucius...I mean yes I have every faith in you. I only mean...” Narcissa stumbled.

'What then?” Lucius was becoming increased frustrated. “What makes you think I can not do this?” His face hard and cold on his wife. He raised a hand and both Draco and Narcissa flinched. “Right then.” Lucius grabbed Draco by his collier and looped his arm around his wife’s. With a loud, “POP” YELL and “THUMP” the family had disappeared.
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