Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Seeker

The Hunt beings

by Julius 2 reviews

Cronus is on the move. Archie goes to Athena for advice.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-08 - Updated: 2006-06-09 - 2040 words

Seekers Hunt
The Seeker: The Hunt Beings
By Jade and Trynia Merin
We don't own Class of the Titans and Julius is my OC.

Chapter 2


Cronus was in his hideout, watching the progress of his giants by a mystical means. "Good, now those heroes will be drawn out." he said with a smug evil smile.

He knew that it was a matter of time that his plan would flush them out of hiding, so the next phase could take place. They couldn't resist trying to stop the giants from attacking the City.

"Soon children, soon I'll have you at my mercy. And there will be NO escape for you!"

The big orange giant nodded his head to his master.

"Do your worst," Cronus said. "You know what you must do."

The giant nodded his head again and then left to head into the city.

"Excellent! Don't fail me!" he called. Cronus rubbed his hands together, cackling evilly. He turned to watch the giant move off and do its nasty work. Then he summoned his power to find the one he sought.

"Now that they are busy I will find that other brat. And bind him to my will." he said. He had been on the trail of the Seeker for a while. And knew he was closing in.

A teen with long dark hair hurried along the streets. He was scared out his mind. He had tried to hide in a church of all places. He was hiding from a Greek god. He wondered why he left Japan but then he had to find his only friend. The one he promised.

Cronus moved quickly along, sensing the power of the one he sought. "I will find you!" he vowed. He only hoped he could find him before the evil found him and turns him into an evil tool.


Herry got the truck ready.

"Hey are we ready to go?" Atlanta had her weapon ready to go.

"Come on Odie do you have the information?" Jay shook his head. "Let's not try to rush things."

"I have it," Odie said, holding up a disk and his laptop under his arm.


Archie felt torn about the conversation they had with Hera. He had a suspicion that it involved Julius. He decided he had to talk to someone about his feelings before they got out of hand.

Nervously he fingered the locket around his neck that his friend had given him years ago as he sat in the cafeteria at lunch. Who to talk to, he wondered.

"Why am I thinking of you Julius? Are you somehow involved in this mess? I just don't get it... are you trying to somehow tell me something?" he wondered.

He brushed his hand against a bottle of juice and it crashed to the floor shattering and making a mess. "I got to get a grip," he muttered, leaning down to clean it up as everyone stared at him.

Sighing he realized he needed to go to the secret place for answers. So he picked up the trash from his lunch and threw it away. He headed off towards the Janitor's closet quickly as he could. He took the medallion he kept and placed it in the slot, then waited for the door to open.

Once he was in the room, Archie pulled the light cord. The door slammed behind him, and he saw the blue light around him. It formed into the wall, and he was able to go through beyond.

Entering the space he glanced around nervously, wondering whom he should speak to. He couldn't tell Aries, because he was nervous about what his patron guardian would think of this situation. So he decided perhaps someone with some wisdom might lend a hand. So he said quietly, "Um I don't usually ask you for help, but please hear me Athena. I need your advice please?"

"Archie why aren't you with the others?" The red headed god walked towards Archie. "Those giants have to be stopped."

"I know ma'am, but there is something really bothering me. It might have everything to do with this problem," he said not looking at her. He pulled the locket from his shirt.

Athena arched an eyebrow. "And you are coming to me?"
"Yes. I'm nervous to tell Aries. He might not understand. You're wise, and I need wisdom," he blushed.

Athena chuckled and patted Archie's shoulder. "Come let's talk." She gently pulled the young warrior over to a seat. "So what's all this about and why is so scared to tell Aries about this?"

"I um well," he stammered sitting down. "I had friend years ago named Julius. He was my best friend. He had special abilities I wasn't sure of. But he made me promise him if his powers grew too strong and for evil I would have to face him. He was saying that his grandfather was going to kill him because he wasn't a girl." The story poured out of him.

"Slow down. Who is this Julius and why would his own family kill him because he wasn't a girl? That makes no sense." Athena patted Archie's back.

"He was a gypsy. He said that he had special abilities. I think he was like me and my friends, his ancestor was a hunter," he mumbled quietly, trying to piece together the hints dropped.

"And he was afraid that his powers would be used for evil."

"He called Me Achilles when we first met." he shivered.

Athena rubbed her chin for a moment. "What aren't you telling me, Archie? I can tell you are still hiding something."

"I... he made me promise to kill him if his powers ever got out of hand." he shuddered.

"And he said he'd come back when he was older. He knew about me and my friends way before we even met."

Athena sighed. "Do you know why he has these powers, Archie?" She could see there was a lot of stress on the boy's face.

"I don't know." he whispered. "I'm trying to think but it's all so... sketchy."

"He's descended from Hera's assassin." he blurted out, his stomach in knots.

"He saw himself becoming the destroyer of the hope of the world."

Athena blinked. "Are you sure of this Archie?" She grips the boy's shoulder. "This is very important information."

"Yes." he gulped, making a miserable face. "He could tell the future I think in dreams. And he could see my Greek spirit. He knew I was the descendent of Achilles."

"And you were having troubles on telling about this because?" Athena watched Archie becoming more nervous.

"I..." he stammered. It was hard to put his nervousness into words. It was a gut feeling he had difficulty identifying.

"Take a deep breath. You are doing well." Athena smiled. "Coming to me is a good start."

"Thank you. I just feel awful keeping this from my friends. I was worried. He was worried it might be Hera making him do these things. But I know it isn't her. It might be someone truly evil." he whispered.

"So your friend knows about Cronus as well." Athena waited for Archie's reaction to her words.

"I think he does," he whispered. "He must have. If he could see the future in dreams..." he trailed off.

Athena patted Archie's back. "So you think Cronus is looking for your friend then?"

"Yes," he whispered, burying his head in his hands.
He felt sick to his stomach.

"Take a deep breath." Athena rubbed Archie's back. "Now we have to talk to Hera. You do understand that don't you."

"Yes ma'am," he nodded, keeping his face between his knees till he was no longer dizzy.

Athena rubbed Archie's back a bit more. "So when you are ready we go see her."

"Might as well do it now, so I can help my friends soon," he said feeling guilty.

"Alright, Hera should be in her study." Athena stood up and held out her hand to the boy.

He reached out and placed his hand in hers. "Thank you, Ma'am for understanding." he said softly.

"That's okay, now the biggest hurdle explaining this all to Hera." Athena led Archie towards where Hera was.

"Oh man just when I thought it had gotten easy," he groaned.

Athena chuckled. "And what about your friends?"

"That will be worse. I am afraid they'll be angry with me," he shivered.

"Now Archie they are your friends. If you explain it right then there should be that much trouble. Hera though will be upset a bit." Athena spotted Hera watering her plants again.

"Oh man!" he groaned, feeling sick again.

Hera turned and looked at the pair. "Archie, Athena. A strange pair but what brings you here?"

"I have something to tell you." said Archie looking guilty at her.

Hera arched an eyebrow. "I'm listening." Athena patted Archie's back. "You're on."

"I'm sorry but there's something I have to tell you," Archie said. "A friend of mine, I think he's back, and I think Cronus is after him. And what's worse he's the descendent of the Seeker. And I've known him since we were kids. I feel bad for not telling you any of this." he panted.

Hera put down the watering pot. "I see." She turned her back for a moment. "The Seeker? No wonder Cronus is going all out with his giants." She turned around and looked right into Archie's blue eyes. "You must find him before Cronus does or everything will be lost. Do you understand?"

"I do ma'am," he nodded, meeting her gaze.
"I will do whatever it takes. But I don't want to hurt him."

"I know you do your best but remember you must do what needed to be done." Hera then returned to her plants. "You better go find your friends, Archie and tell them what you told us." Athena smiled at him.

"Thank you," he nodded.

"Good luck." Athena pushes Archie gently towards the door.

He sighed and stumbled on his leg towards the door, and swallowed hard. "I will need it," he mumbled.


Cronus moved swiftly in the city. He used his spells to close in on his target. He could feel the object of his search closer and closer. "Soon I will find you," he vowed. He kept tabs on his giants, which were causing mayhem. A group of giants stood behind Cronus. Waiting on orders.

"You two go wreak havoc. If you find the children, keep them away from me. Do whatever it takes. And you there, start smashing. Scare the people in the city. Cause terror. Clear it for my search." he called out.

"Take out the buildings, and get the city emptied. Wreck any place our quarry might hide."

"You come with me," he pointed to a Cyclops. "I will need you as a backup."
They bowed their heads and grunted. Then they hurried out of the headquarters. "This way!" he shouted to the Cyclops. "Let's go! I know where he is! I can feel him!"

He started to make his own way out of his headquarters, with his henchman.
"Smash any building which stands in the way. Clear the way for me!" Cronus ordered, moving out into the city. He motioned his Cyclops to go ahead of him, scaring anyone out of his way.

The Cyclops did as he told and started to terrorize the people in front of him. Tossing cars and roaring.

Cronus laughed. He did his own brand of fun, pushing aside and fighting all that were foolish enough to dodge around the Cyclops. He loved the chaos he saw before him.

All the while he sought the Seeker, knowing he wasn't far off. He had tasted this moment for centuries and knew his other giants would occupy the children who had foiled his plans before.


Well that the second chapter of The Seeker. I hope it's good. We don't own Class of the Titans and Julius is my OC. Oh on a note in the first chapter when Archie dove into the water after Julius it's from that near drowning that both teens have fear of water. Julis is a bit better than Archie but not by much.
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