Categories > Original > Humor > The undiscovered truths.

The dates!

by TMBAREEPIC 0 reviews


Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2011-09-26 - Updated: 2011-09-26 - 281 words

Right so were aalll going on dates tonight,me and Dru are going to the milkshake bar,Stefan and Anna are going to the bar and Alex and Ashley are going to nandos , suprise,suprise.
Lauren&Drus Date;
So were at the milkshake bar and i have ordered a twix milkshake and a cake,and dru has ordered a banana milkshake and an orange.I feel so fat,Yeah so were just talking about our feelings for each other and how we met,Aw it's so cute how Drus blushing whenever i smile,i love him lots.Yeyeyeyeyeyey my cake is here and so is my milkshake,Dru has finnished his already i think we have something planned for when we get home you will just have to wait and see.
Anna&Stefans Date;
SO were at the bar and i have ordered a meal and so has stefan,i have ordered pasta and stefan has ordered steak,Nom nom nom vodka and coke and a stefan abingdon by my side,yus.Woo we just kissed , because i refuse to kiss him when he has garlic breath!BLARGH!Aw he is acting all shy because i wont snog him in front of people,he is wearing a bright pink fairy top,while i am wearing a TMB top with him on-awkward!
Alex&Ashleys Date;
So i'm at nandos,having chicken,with ashley,having a lovely conversation about what were going to do,it involves a bed that's the only clue i'll give,awr we just kissed and ashley has peri peri chicken breath,lol,were going to go shopping at the vans store now,woop ,could this date get any better?
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