Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > What Is Love?

3- Enchanted

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 2 reviews

"I'll be your x-files buddy." I said, smiling.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-10-03 - Updated: 2011-10-04 - 964 words - Complete


I closed the bathroom door and locked it nervously. It was really weird to be taking a bath in a strangers home but his home felt so much warmer than mine did. Whenever I was home I just got sad. I thought of all the times my father and I had fought.

Spencer seemed so cool with everything. He was so kind. I was a little frightened though. I didn't want to take advantage of him. I just wanted a comfortable place to be for a little bit. I was comfortable here. There was no conflict that I knew of.

I turned the water off and hesitantly started undressing. It felt even weirder to be naked in a strangers home. Once I was undressed it felt a little cold in the bathroom and I placed a foot in the tub. The water was hot, really hot. I liked the burn I felt as I lowered myself in to the tub. I liked my water hotter than most people.

I played with the bubbles, smiling. I liked bubble baths. I hadn't had one in so long.

I sank in to the water and sighed, this was so nice. Spencer was so nice.



I was laying on my bed fully clothed and waiting for Kade when I heard my door creak open, "Spencer?" She asked before coming in.

"Come in." I said softly, waiting to see her.

She stepped in and I saw that her jeans were on but she still had the towel tightly wrapped around her body since she wasn't wearing a shirt. I could see her bra straps though. Was there something wrong with her shirt? Her red hair was tousled and wet and she looked absolutely beautiful yet broken. The bruises on her face made her look like a broken person that needed repair.

"Hey." She said, standing in the doorway awkwardly.

"Is there something wrong with your shirt?" I asked.

She nodded slowly, "Yeah. It fell on the floor which I got wet so it's kinda soaked right now. I hung it up in your bathroom but I didn't want to wear it at the moment. It would be cold."

"Oh well I've got shirts in my second drawer in the closet." I said. Wet shirt, no big deal.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yep. I've always kept them there." I said.

She laughed at me, "I meant are you sure I can borrow one while mine dries?"

"Yeah definitely. Unless you wanna go topless." Oh god I sounded like a creep.

She didn't say anything, disappearing in to my closet. "Is this one okay?" She asked, showing me a panic at the disco shirt I had. It was left over from tour. I almost laughed. Oh yes, I would love for her to wear my band across her chest. Definitely.

"That works." I said, it just said panic at the disco in curly letters. My face wasn't on it thankfully. That would make this awkward. I was a little surprised that she didn't recognize me but she still seemed to be in a fog from the hospital. Unfortunately that was a good thing about hospitals... People were usually too wrapped up in grief or worry to realize there's a 'famous' person amongst them.

She turned around and dropped the towel. I held back a gasp as I stared at her back. It was covered in painful looking bruises. What the hell had happened? She quickly pulled the t-shirt over her body and my view was obstructed.

She turned back to me and stared in to my eyes. I was worried about her. What had happened? She looked so beat up. "Spencer Smith." She said, surprising me.

"Uh yeah." I said, surprised that she knew. Was she about to turn fan girl?

"Yeah I thought you looked familiar. I like Panic! At the-" She paused, "Well your band. Good music." She said, looking even more uncomfortable now. I was there with her when it came to being uncomfortable.

"Thanks." I said, not knowing what else to say.

She shrugged, "Are you going to sleep?"

I shook my head, "Nah not just yet. I was gonna lay down and watch some tv in here though. Care to join me?"

"Sure." She said, sounding a little nervous as she sat next to me and I started searching tv programs again.

"You can lay down. You look uncomfortable sitting up." I told her.

She slowly scooted back and then laid down next to me. "Are we watching the sponge again?" She asked softly.

I laughed, "I don't see spongebob squarepants anywhere. Here, you pick." I handed her the remote. She took it reluctantly and began flipping through channels. We ended up on the x-files.

"Spooky." I commented.

She nodded, "I've never had the guts to watch this before because I've never had anyone to watch it with." She admitted.

"I'll be your x-files buddy." I said, smiling.

She laughed, "That's nice of you."

I pulled the blanket over myself and started covering her as well but then I paused, "Do you want some blanket?" I had almost forgotten to ask her if she wanted blanket. I shouldn't just force things on her.

"Mmm. Yes please." She responded and I pulled the blanket the rest of the way over her.

"That's trippy." I said about twenty minutes later near the end of the episode. She didn't respond, "Kade?" I asked softly.

When I looked over at Kade I noticed she had fallen asleep. She was so quiet. I had expected snoring or something. I used the remote to turn the television off and then I turned the lamp off next to me so that I could go to sleep as well.

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