Categories > Original > Drama > Happy Halloween!


by quackTMB 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-14 - Updated: 2011-10-14 - 665 words

From Stefans mind

Why are they doing this to me? I thought me and them lot were friends? Whatever happened to that, i don't know. I walked into the living room and Dru was sitting there watching the t.v he must of heard my footsteps come in because he imminently snapped his head towards me and stared at me with his chocolate brown eyes.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled. I really don't care, and at this rate i feel like i will never forgive them. My best friend is a liar, my other best friend is a drug addict and right now i'm in a emotional state. I walked in slow motion towards the kitchen, as his head followed my every move. I looked back at him, and he really looked sorry. That doesn't matter now, i can't trust him.
I grabbed a glass out of the cupboard, one second later I felt someones breath on my neck. It smelt like alcohol. It was Dru, he made me jump,SMASH!I dropped the glass and it hit my foot. "Shit! You alright mate?" asked Dru, his voice sounded kinda worried. I just turned around slowly and looked at him.
"Yes i am! And don't call me 'mate' i ain't your mate!" I shouted as I hopped over to get some tissue. There was glass stuck in my foot, and blood all over the floor. "FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK" i whispered to myself. I couldn't seem to get this thick glass out of my foot.

"Let me help you" said Dru in a concerning voice, he walked up to me and i nodded. He got some tissue and cleaned the blood of my foot, got some tweezers and started pulling the glass out of my foot. I shrieked a couple of times until he got it all out.

"Thanks" i mumbled as i hopped off to the bathroom. I turned the tap on in my bath and started cleaning my foot. I hope Ashley is okay, but why drugs? What if the fans find out? We're so screwed. But the thing that worries me the most is to why he didn't tell me. Am i some un-trustworthy person? I wonder what he's doing now. He could be crying in his cell for all i know.
I guess it wasn't really Drus fault. Maybe Ashley didn't wanna tell me. Oh well, i can't be upset for myself, i'm really worried about Ashley. I jogged out of the bathroom and went into my room. Ah, my room. I pounced onto my bed, and suddenly i noticed how tired i was. I automatically fell asleep.

There was a dark tunnel, i felt lost. My breathing went faster the more and more i tried to find him. Where was he? I ran and ran until my feet started bleeding. This is an never ending tunnel, and i feel like i'm dying. Am i alive or dead now? All i know is that i feel weird. Where am i?
"ASHLEY?! ASHLEY?!" i screamed out, trying to find light. I have to find him! I cannot give up now, we haven't even went trick or treating for Halloween yet. RAWR! There was this loud rawr, i looked all around me, I heard a familiar voice shrieking in terror. It was Ash.
"ASHLEY?! ASHLEY?!" i screamed. Suddenly this dark tunnel started to fade away. A mans blury face started to appear before my eyes.

"Stefan?" asked the voice. My eyes became more clearer now. It was Dru, he was shaking me and looked confused. "WHERE IS ASHLEY WE HAVE TO FIND HIM!" I screamed. Dru looked absolutely puzzled. "Ashley's in prison, Stefan you had a nightmare calm down" said Dru as he helped me get up out of bed. Now this all made sense, i felt a shot of sudden relief go through me. I thought Ashley died, i'm shaking so much right now. That was the worst dream ever.

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