Categories > Original > Drama > Chapter 1 - Never on time

Chapter 5 - Introducing Laura

by katieblathers 0 reviews

The morning after the night before, but they decide for another night out. Maybe not the best idea.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-10-15 - Updated: 2011-10-15 - 783 words

Chapter 5 – Introducing Laura

‘Stefan, what the fuck are you doing in my bed!?’ asked a confused Dru.
‘W-what?’ Stefan was still half asleep.

He slowly struggled his eyes open, to see that he was lying in Dru’s bed with just his boxers on.

‘Oh shit. How did I end up here?’ questioned Stefan.
‘Fuck knows mate. But god, I feel rough’
‘Same here, I don’t actually think I can physically move’
‘Well you’re gonna have to get out my bed sometime today!’
‘Can’t I just stay here forever?’
‘Nah mate, come on. Move your arse!’ Dru pulled the covers off Stefan.
‘Where the fuck are my clothes?!’
Dru laughed. ‘Thank God you’ve at least got your boxers on!’

Dru spent the morning looking after himself and Stefan.

‘Cheers for everything dude, I owe you big time. Better be off now, I’ll see you at the club at about half 7’ Stefan said.
‘Yeah mate, see you there!’

Stefan and Dru had huge hangovers, scars and cuts all over their bodies and they didn’t even know what they got up to the night before but they wanted to do it all over again.

Stefan arrived at his flat and rang Ashley.

‘Hey mate’ Ashley answered.
‘Hey Ash! Do you actually remember anything that happened last night?’
‘Haha, no mate but it was fucking mental!’
‘It was, we’re such crazy cats! I woke up this morning in Dru’s bed with just my boxers on’
‘You didn’t do...’
‘FUCK NO! God, I hope not anyway!’
‘Well, apparently I spent the whole night begging Abi to move in with me’
‘What did she say?!’
‘I don’t know mate, I’ll have to ring her later’
‘Alright. Well, are you up for another night of hardcore partying?’
‘Haha! Same place at about half 7’
‘Okay Stef, I’ll meet you crazy cats there’
‘Haha, alright mate. See you’

Stefan put the phone down. He had 1 unread message, from Alice:
Finally charged my phone and put more credit on it, got the biggest hang over ever though!x

Stefan replied back:
Yay! Aw, get better soon. We’re gonna be partying again tonight, you in?:)x

Alice wasn’t up for a night out again so declined the offer. Stefan tried to persuade her to go but she felt too ill, he finally gave in.

Okay babe:( Call me if you need me and get better soon gorgeous!x

Stefan really wanted Alice to be there but it was good that he got to spend more time with his friends.
He had a few hours to kill so he slept, ate and tried his best to get rid of his long lasting hangover. After being bored for hours, half past 7 finally arrived.

He met up with everyone at the club.

‘Hi, my name’s Laura. I’m Sophie’s best friend, I was here last night but we never officially met’ she introduced herself to Stefan.
‘Ah, hey. I’m Stefan’ he smiled.

Laura was 19, just a year younger than Stefan but she had a very mature face and was the same height as him so she could easily get mistaken for a 20 year old. She had long, light walnut coloured hair and her turquoise eyes clashed with her pale complexion. Stefan found her attractive and very easy to talk to, like they had known each other for most of their lives. They had so much in common and by no time they found themselves talking to each other non-stop for 2 hours.

Stefan hadn’t seen/talked to Ash or Dru since he arrived at the club, but he didn’t seem to mind because he liked talking to Laura, he felt comfortable when he did. But then, things got a little too comfortable. They both had a bit to drink and were a little tipsy. They were constantly flirting with each other and (unaware to Stefan) Abi was keeping a close eye on them so that no funny business was going off and that it was just innocent flirting.

Stefan put his hands on Laura’s waist; they kept getting closer to each other until their bodies were almost touching. Stefan moved in even more closer as Laura swung her arms over his neck. He wasn’t thinking straight.
He slowly moved his head towards hers, their lips touched. They carried on kissing.

Abi saw everything. How was she going to tell one of her best friends that she saw her boyfriend snogging another girl?

Laura eventually pulled away and it wasn’t until that second that Stefan realised what he did was wrong.

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