Categories > Original > Drama > Chapter 1 - Never on time

Chapter 9 - The song

by katieblathers 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-10-15 - Updated: 2011-10-15 - 532 words

Chapter 9 – The song

A week had past but Alice was nowhere to be seen. Stefan hadn’t even stepped foot out of his flat, he had so many missed calls and unread text messages but he didn’t want to see anyone, not even Dru or Ash. For the past week he did the same routine every day; stare at his favourite picture of him and Alice, he always ended up in tears. Eventually he resisted the temptation of staring at the picture for hours and instead he invited his best friend round, no not Dru or Ash... Cerys. Cerys was Stefan’s best female friend, they had known each other for their whole lives and were extremely close. She had met Alice before but didn’t have a clue what had happened.

She arrived at his flat, knocking on the door excitedly.

‘STEFAN!’ she smiled while hugging him as soon as he opened the door.
His face lit up with happiness, he hadn’t seen her for ages.
‘Cerys, I’ve missed you so much! I’ve got so much to tell you!’
‘Ooh, spill and I’ve missed you too!’
Stefan told Cerys EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING, not one single detail was left out.
‘Shit, Stefan! You’re in trouble’ she said.
‘I know! I don’t know what to do... Look, you’re a girl’
‘Thanks for noticing...’ she said sarcastically.
‘Maybe you can help me out? Like, if you were in Alice’s position what could I do to make you forgive me’
‘Stef, I really don’t know! You’re gonna have to get yourself out of this one’
‘No ideas at all?’
‘Erm.. HEY what about a song?! You’re amazing at writing songs, you’ll be able to tug her heart strings a bit’
‘I don’t want to make her feel guilty, I just want her to forgive me’
‘Then write a song, apologising to her’
‘It’s a risk, I mean what if she doesn’t forgive me even after I write it?’
‘Well at least you would have tried, it’s worth a shot. It worked for me, remember when we were about 8 and you cut my Barbie dolls hair off? You wrote me a little song saying sorry for doing it and then the next day I was obsessed with you and your song writing skills?’
‘Haha! Oh, wow that song was great but this situation is a bit different to that’
‘I know, but I’m saying it still worked. Go on Stef, if she forgives you, she forgives you and if not then move on. I’ll help you write it if you want?’
‘Go on then!’

They spent hours attempting to write it but they weren’t having any luck.

‘For fuck sake! This isn’t working’ Stefan was getting stressed.
‘Don’t stress! Just think about it, think about how much you want her back and how sorry you are’

That did the trick. Stefan thought about how sorry he was. He didn’t talk for ages, not even taking the pen off the paper.

‘I’ve finished it!’ he shrieked with excitement.

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