Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > What Is Love?

5- Goodbye

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 3 reviews

Spencer and Kade go to the hospital to see if their friends/family can be released. Will this be the end of their hospital relationship?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-10-16 - Updated: 2011-10-16 - 1427 words - Complete


I woke up a few hours later and groaned, stretching. Where was Kade? The place next to me was empty. I got out of bed, hoping she hadn't left. Her jeans were still on my floor though. I doubted that she would leave my apartment without pants.

I went out to the living room and stopped in surprise. Kade was vaccuuming the living room floor in her underwear and my t-shirt. It was definitely a sight to see. She looked downright sexy. The living room was spotless and the kitchen was clean as well, all of the dishes were clean and put away, everything was wiped down. It hadn't been this clean since I had moved in.

She looked at me and stopped, blushing. "Oh I- uh hi." She said nervously.

I smiled and approached her, "Wow." I muttered, this place looked incredible.

She looked down at her feet suddenly and seemed upset, "I'm sorry. I should have this finished. I'm almost done and I uh- I'm sorry, did the vacuum wake you?" she asked, sounding terrified.

I shook my head and raised my hand to run it through my hair. She flinched. Again. "It looks absolutely amazing. Thank you so much." I said in awe, trying to ignore how she always seemed frightened when I made sudden movements. The place did look great. "And no you didn't wake me. It's just about time for me to wake up. Shit. It's almost noon." I said, wow I had slept in.

She nodded, "Yeah I didn't want to wake you up. You looked tired."

She was the one with dark circles around her eyes. She looked tired. "You didn't have to do this all Kade but thank you so much. I"m grateful. Hey! There's the floor again!" I joked.

She laughed, "It wasn't that messy and no problem. I wanted to do something for you since you allowed me to sleep over. It was nice. It was comfortable." She said, smiling at me.

Laura may have had a beautiful smile because her teeth were so straight and white but Kade had a genuine beautiful smile, one that lit up the room.

"I'm glad you liked staying over. You can sleep here for however long your dad is in the hospital." I offered. I felt like a horrible person but I kinda wished for her father to be hospitalized a little longer. Another night with her would be nice. She was enchanting.

"Wow. Thanks." Kade said, sounding surprised by my offer. "Oh and I made breakfast but it might be a little cold. I didn't know you'd be asleep for so long so I made it a little while ago."

"Oh wow. Breakfast. Sounds yummy. What'd you make?" I asked. She was perfect. Cleaning, cooking, no bitching. Wow. Was she for real? I was waiting for the crazy to set in since ... all the women I had dated seemed crazy.

She went to the oven and pulled out a pot with food in it. My eyes widened in amazement as I saw bacon, sausage, fried potatoes and pancakes. She made me a plate and I sat and watched, still shocked with amazement. She started making me toast and then pulled out syrup and made a smiley face on my pancake. I smiled. "Wow. This is so sweet." I said.

Kade smiled and started buttering my toast, "Tell me if it's too cold." She said, setting the toast on my plate.

"Are you going to eat?" I asked.

"Oh, um, okay." She said, seeming surprised. "Thank you." She said, making herself a plate.

"It's delicious. Thank you Kade." I said, eating happily. I hadn't had a home cooked meal in awhile and I loved breakfast foods.

"Youre welcome." She said, smiling shyly. "Are you going to see your friend Ryan at the hospital today?"

I nodded, "Yep. Whenever you want to go. We can drop by your dads room." I paused, "That is... if you even want me to go see him with you."

She seemed uncomfortable again. "I could go check on him alone. He doesn't really like surprises."

I nodded, "Okay." What was she hiding from me?



I was walking down the hallway to my fathers room. Spencer and I had split up when we got to the hospital. How could I have been so stupid? I fell asleep at a strangers house. I shouldn't have been there in the first place. And to cause drama with his girlfriend! I felt all around terrible.

If my father knew I had been with a guy last night he would explode. I didn't want Spencer to see that. He seemed far away from anything sad, I didn't want to bring sadness to his life.

"Hi dad." I said, walking in to his room. His head was bandaged, the sight was painful. I hated to see him in pain. I hated that our lives were filled with such violence, it didn't seem fair but I didn't think it would ever stop. I tried to convince myself that it would but... I wasn't that good at lying, even when it came to lying to myself.

"Hey honey." He said, smiling weakly at me. "I was wondering where you were." No mention that we had been fighting. He never brought that up so I avoided it as well. Why start another fight? Sometimes he was the best dad ever. Things weren't always bad.

"Sorry, I tried to make it here as soon as I could. I kind of slept in. I was up late worried about you." He couldn't know that I had been with Spencer.

"Awe baby. I'm sorry. I hate to worry you." He said, brushing his fingers against my cheek as I sat on his bed.

I smiled at his soft touch. I wished he was always like this. I wanted a happy family. I wanted my mother to be here and my father to be okay and to not drink. I wanted to be the perfect daughter for them both. I wanted so much that I knew I would never get.

"Honey can you do me a favor?" My father asked.

"Of course." I responded. I would do anything for him. Even stay through the abuse.

"I'd really like an orange juice from the cafeteria. I'll talk to the nurse about being released while you go do that, okay?" he asked, as the nurse walked in.

I nodded and left the room. I didn't go to get the orange juice immediately though, leaning against the wall outside of his room as the argument began.

This happened to us a lot at the hospital.

"Your daughter has a lot of unexplained bruises Mr. Perite." The nurse said softly, "And she has a lot of hospital stays in her record. We are just worried. You had a high blood alcohol level. Do you drink a lot when she's around?"

"Are you trying to insinuate something?" My father yelled and I closed my eyes, willing the tears away.

The nurse spoke again but I couldn't listen anymore. I pushed myself away from the wall and started walking towards the cafeteria.

"Kade!" Spencer yelled, making me pause. I really couldn't see him anymore. I didn't want to make him out to be some superhero that takes me away from the pain. That wouldn't be fair for him. He would have to settle for being my daydream but daydreams weren't real and he couldn't be either.

"Hey." I said softly as he caught up with me.

"Hey. I was looking for you... Is your father getting released today?" Spencer asked.

"I hope so." I said, shrugging. "How about Ryan's dad?"

"Yep. He's good to go. Ryan's taking him home. Another friend of ours is helping them." Spencer said.

"Awesome well I have to go Spencer. It was nice meeting you though." I said, trying to make a smooth getaway.

"What? No." Spencer said, confused. "Nice to meet me? Are we not going to hang out anymore?"

"I can't." I said, looking at my feet as we stopped walking.

"Can't?" Spencer repeated, confused.

I nodded.

"Um okay." Spencer whispered, seeming confused. "I guess I can't make you." He wanted to though.

"Yeah." I said, numbly. I didn't want to upset him but I thought this was best. I couldn't be in his life. I wasn't good at being friends with people. Last night was nice but it wouldn't happen again.

Spencer stared after me as I walked down the hallway, leaving him.
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