Categories > TV > WWE > I've Been Jerispammed

I've Been Jerispammed

by demonascreamin 0 reviews

Some cracky goodness based off a fwd email

Category: WWE - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2011-10-26 - Updated: 2011-10-27 - 861 words

Title: I've Been Jerispammed

Pairing: Multiple; starts with strongly implied JeriMiz

Rating: T (for light swearing)

Summary: just a little fun to help me get back in the swing of writing for some of my other fics

Warning: Crack fic, light swearing, some character bashing

Author's Note: This is all for fun. I didn't intend to write something like these but as of late I've been reading some (ok a ton) of Xmen slash I've fallen absolutely head over heels with Erik/Charles slash from First Class (and the trilogy the whole what ifs), and my Scott/Logan bug is back XD well perusing through an Xmen fic site I came across a fic that was set up like this, and I got to thinking wouldn't it be funny if Wrestlers actually answered these, I wonder how they would sound? This was just going to be a one shot hinting at JeriMiz, but I decided it'd be pretty fun to try with other wrestlers as well. There's going to be more pairings as well, I'm just not sure who I'll pick yet. Don't know how long this will go on, but for sure I have 4 in mind (including this first chapter) first up The Miz

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people mentioned in this fic, I just like to borrow them for my entertainment ;D

Enjoy! Reviews=LOVE

The Miz

Name: Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin; The Grand Mizard of Lust, The Awesome one…must I go on?

Sex: Yes please!

Home: Cleveland, Ohio

Height: 6' 1"

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Awesome…Brown…it's a fauxhawk

What is your favorite TV show? I don't have time for TV, nothing's worth watching unless I'm on

What's on your mouse pad? Bitch please, I have a laptop, no mouse pad necessary

Favorite Magazine? PWI, did I mention they named me #1 on their top 500 list?

Favorite smell: Peppermint…Chris is always chewing that flavor of gum

Worst feeling in the world: Finding out that Evan's dad hooked up with my Mom shudders

Best feeling in the world: Cashing in that briefcase and holding up that title

Things to do on the weekend: Challenge people to lip syncing contests, be awesome, skype Chris

Favorite soundtrack: don't tell him, but Chasing the Grail

What's the first thought you had this morning? I'm Awesome!

Do you get motion sickness? No, of cour—ok I do, only slightly

Roller coasters; deadly or exciting: depends who I'm with, but any ride with Chris is exciting

Pen or pencil? Pen, I don't make mistakes

How many rings before you answer the phone? Depends on who's calling. Chris, immediately. Hornswoggle, ignore that lil troll. Riley, at least 3, make him sweat it out grins evilly

Favorite food? Don't have a favorite, I'll eat whatever Chris brings home or cooks

Do you get along with your parents? My mom yes, my dad…well he's quite the character. He likes Evan Bourne more :/

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? You can't be convicted if you're not caught

Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate, it's more fun in the bed ;D

Crutons or bacon bits? Does it really matter?

Do you like to drive? I'm more of a "drivee" than a driver, I let Kofi worry about getting us to shows on time

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? NO!...

If you could have any pet what would it be? I don't have time for pets on the road…I really want a ferret

If you could be any type of animal what would it be? Ha please, I don't want to be an animal; animals what to be me!

Thunderstorms, cool or scary? Am I able to snuggle with Chris?

If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be? Riley's mom…So I can slap her >:(

Favorite alcoholic drink: Chris likes Grey Goose

What is your Zodiac sign? How would I know, I'm not Chinese!

If you could have any job what would it be? I already have it

If you could have a tattoo what/where would it be? What makes you think I don't have one already?

Have you ever been in love? Right now…you reading this Jerky?

Describe your dream wedding: Anywhere in the world as long as Chris is standing across from me

What is on your walls in your room? Pictures of me…duh

Is the glass half empty or half full? REALLY? Its midway you idiots! End of story, stop pushing your psychobabble on me

Righty, Lefty, Ambidextrous? Lefty

Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Of course, hen pecking is so undignified

If you could be one gardening tool what would it be? I know what Kelly Kelly would be snickers

What is your favorite number? #1 as in what I am

Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: One nice thing about Chris…hmm I can't pick one, simply put he's the best in the world to me…email spam aside

Of all the people you send this to who is least likely to respond? That evil troll Hornswoggle…You still owe me money 'Swoggle!
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