Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frankie's journal

The thirty eighth entry.

by xDcee 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-11-02 - Updated: 2011-11-03 - 313 words

So it's Christmas tomorrow, and I am so excited. My mom is sober and doing fine, I actually have a few friends AND I've made a special surprise for Gerard! It's going to be the best thing ever, I can see it.

But getting away from thesubject of Christmas, seen as it hasn't happened yet, lets talk about what has happened...
Mikey was upset that Gerard chose me over his brother and allowed me to stay at the hospital while he made him go to school. Gerard rolled his eyes at me, then told him "It's because you're my brother, I care about you more than anything. I don't want what I did to get in the way of you getting into college" then winked at me. Yes, I blushed after that, but it seemed to make Mikey happier.

Gerard isn't too happy about staying in hospital for Christmas, but he doesn't know what's going to be happening tomorrow. It'll hopefully make him happy.

My Mom got a job and has earned a few dollars, enough for a small 'proper' Christmas, so it should be alright. I may even bring her along for the surprise.

The people at school have laid off me for a while now, I haven't been getting any notes under my door, no hate messages, no nothing. They haven't even waited for me to go outside so they can bash the shit out of me. -lets out a sigh of relief-

So that's about all that's happened. But I may be writing HEAPS tomorrow. Really, I just hope I don't set anything on fire and kill someone. I have to go right now though, Mom is taking me to see a movie for the first time with her. I seriously can't wait! BYE!

Frank, 24 December.
Note: Deck the halls with bells of holy, in the hospital just for Gerard!
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