Categories > Original > Drama > Magnolia

Where Nightmares Hold Me

by HollyNHorne 0 reviews

After a drunken night of partying, Stefan has a dream that may affect his future.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-11-06 - Updated: 2011-11-06 - 634 words


That morning, I woke up with the sick, twisted scent of body odor and alcohol.
For whatever reason, I had ended up in Ashley's bed, and Ashley was on the
floor. I felt immobilised, but I managed to throw a pillow hard enough at Ashley
enough to wake him up. He groaned, and rolled over on his back. The back of his
shirt was stained yellow and red, and I really didn't want to know what it was.
He was wearing only one sock, and his trousers were on the floor in a corner,
slightly ripped. I decided to try to get up, but my stomach was knotted in pain.
In my attempts to get up, I tripped over Ashley and landed next to him. My mind
was blank. He reacted slowly, rolling over on his side to face me. In the heat
of the moment, his arm flopped aimlessly on my waist. His eyes were closed and
his speech was slurred. "Ya know, last night was pretty fun, even though my
throat's burning." he said emotionlessly. The touch of his hand emitted
invisible sparks that shocked me and seemed to numb my pain. The shockwaves
pulsed through my body, stopping all movement. Time froze. The warm, tender
waves took over my mind and body. I couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, or move. I
was released into such ecstasy, that I failed to noticed something slither
behind Ashley's head. For years, it seemed, it pushed his head closer to mine. I
could feel his messy brown hair, sticky and wet. Then I realised it was my own
hand. And it was my own lips that had just pressed against Ashley's.

At first I wanted to jolt away as soon as possible. But I couldn't. I was
trapped, hypnotised, and horrified all at the same time. But I started to like
it. No, I loved it. It was so beautiful. I had never felt anything like it. It
ignited a small fire that melted my heart. It seemed to last a century, just me
and Ashley, lips locked and hands molded together perfectly, like a jigsaw
puzzle. Such a guilty pleasure. It was so perfect. Such a perfect moment that I
never wanted to end. So very perfect... a perfectly cruel dream.


By midnight, Stefan and Dru had fallen asleep, and so had I. At nearly two at
dawn, I woke up to the worst hangover I'd ever experienced. My mouth burned, my
stomach twisted, my head, felt like someone had jabbed a nail through it. Five
hours later, Stefan and Dru were still asleep, so I decided to move them to more
comfortable areas. I transferred Dru to the couch and Stefan, who had fallen
asleep in the bathroom upstairs, may have suffered a few minor rug burns when I
dragged him to the bottom part of my bunk bed. Strangely, he was licking his lips
and grinning in his slumber. After two hours of cleaning up the house, it was
still dark so I sat and watched TV for an hour. I tweeted about how our elegant
dinner had turned into a disaster and later cooked breakfast for Dru and Stefan.
I scrambled several eggs, baked scones, toasted bread, cooked bacon, - the
works! It took quite a few hours for their shares of the hangover to take its
toll, but at least they were no longer drunk. They were both pleased when I
showed them the breakfast I had prepared and they ate it all happily. Dru left
shortly, wanting to clean himself up, promising he'd be back in an hour. I went
back to the dining room where Stefan was still eating. I leaned against the
counter with my arms crossed watching him hungrily eat the toast I had prepared.
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