Categories > Original > Drama > Magnolia

My Burning Heart

by HollyNHorne 0 reviews

Stefan's heart is on fire. And it's a fire he can't extinguish.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-11-06 - Updated: 2011-11-06 - 369 words


I had to make up my mind about what to do with my life. Continue Chapters and
TMB? Kill? Cut? Move? Run? So many questions that had no answers. I just wanted
Ashley. I wanted every part of him. I longed for it all. His body, his
personality, his life. I wanted to be the only thing on his mind. Wasn't he the
only thing on mine? Yes. I loved him. I wanted him to know that. He had to know.
And one way or another, I was going to make sure he did.
How could I get Ashley to love me? I killed Jemma, the love of his life.
Indirectly. I still felt responsible for her suicide, though it happened many
months back. I stood up from the soaking porch and continued down the
neverending street. I stuffed the magnolia back into my jeans and shoved both
hands in my jumper pockets. My pace increased. Before I knew it, I was running.
My legs burned. My heart pumped. But I stopped myself. I couldn't take it. Being
within reach to touch what I wanted, yet having no permission to do so. "ASHLEY!
I LOVE YOOOOUU!!!" I wailed.


I woke with a start. There was someone outside my window in the streets, howling
like the world was going to explode. Pissed off, I yanked the window open. "Oi!
Shut up!" My eyes took a minute to focus. It was Stefan. He whirled around and
looked up in my direction. I ducked down immediately. If Stefan saw it was me,
he'd really hate me or himself. Minutes passed. I lifted my head. He was still
there, but distracted by the rain. He was looking down at something drooping
from his clenched fist. I squinted, and the object came into view. It was a
flower, withered with no pedals.


Ashley. I'd just made him upset. How was I going to forgive myself? I thought.
Well, let's think rationally about this Stefan. What makes people happy? When
they get what they want. What does Ashley want? Clearly you, out of his life.
All you do is bring trouble to him. Just get away. Perfect. I'll just get away
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