Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat Re-write

Chapter Six

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Frank tells Nickie how he feels (Kinda :L) and Gerard askes Frank for some advice.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-11-11 - Updated: 2011-11-11 - 439 words

PenceyPrep - I was wondering I could talk to you
SkakeBites - I think you've done enough
PenceyPrep - What did I do that was so bad?
SkakeBites - I told you about Bert cheating on me AND YOU PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE
PenceyPrep - I don't regret that
SkakeBites - Even though he punched you back twice as hard?
PenceyPrep - ... Okay it was a bit of a stupid idea... But I was doing it for you!
SkakeBites - Well I wish you hadn't
PenceyPrep - Why?
SkakeBites - Because now Bert hates me
PenceyPrep - Well WE hate HIM
SkakeBites - True but even if I did hate him, I wanted him to like me!
PenceyPrep - Why?
SkakeBites - Because I don't like people disliking me :'(
PenceyPrep - He doesn't REALLY dislike you, he was only saying that to upset you...
SkakeBites - Well gues what. It worked
PenceyPrep - Hey Nickie...
SkakeBites - What?
PenceyPrep - I really like you
SkakeBites - I know. But if you wanna go out with me then you gotta ask me in person

-NotOkay is now online-

PenceyPrep - And you'll say yes?
SkakeBites - I'll think about it

-SkakeBites is now offline-

NotOkay - Did you ask her out?
PenceyPrep - I told her I liked her but she said if I wanted to go out with her then I had to ask in person
NotOkay - So are you gonna?
PenceyPrep - Of course I am! They don't call me Frank The Great for nothing!
NotOkay - ... Nobody calls you that...
Bob - I do
NotOkay - O.o
PenceyPrep - And besides, I'm almost certain she'll say yes
NotOkay - But she only just came out of a relationship
PenceyPrep - Yeah, but every girl wants to date me!
NotOkay - ... Do they?
PenceyPrep - Well except for your creepy girlfriend
NotOkay - She is NOT creepy
PenceyPrep - She kinda is
NotOkay - Okay but only a little ;/
PenceyPrep - Quite a lot actually
NotOkay - Oh dear lord, she's terrible isn't she?
PenceyPrep - Why are you still dating her then?
NotOkay - Because I've never been through a break-up before
PenceyPrep - Trust me, it's easy
Bob - Frank's an expert. He's been dumped by millions of girls
PenceyPrep - -.- Really dude. Now?
NotOkay - How would I break it to her?
PenceyPrep - Well, maybe you shouldn't break up with her. Just tell her that she's being a little clingy and creepy. But try and be nice about it
NotOkay - Oh okay. I guess I can try...
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