Categories > Original > Drama > Minesweeping


by katieblathers 0 reviews

Basically a fanfic about Stefan Abingdon...

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-11-19 - Updated: 2011-11-19 - 466 words


Let’s go back 5 years, before Alice and Stefan got together.

The painful sound of Stefan’s alarm clock darted through his ears, awakening every part of his body. The burning sun light peeked through a gap in his curtains, almost blinding him.
‘Wake up Stefan! AND TURN THAT FUCKING ALRAM CLOCK OFF!’ Emily moaned as she marched into his room, opening the curtains and revealing the morning sunshine.
Stefan slammed his hand on to the vibrating clock, switching it off. The sudden blaring noise paused for Stefan and Emily being able to hear the birds carolling in harmony outside.
‘Come on, get out of bed Stef! You’ll be late for college’ Emily instructed.
‘Calm down little sister, you’re acting like mum. Now, fuck off and let me get dressed!’ He ranted, shoving Emily out the door and slamming it shut.
Emily and Stefan didn’t get along very well but Stefan didn’t get along with early mornings any better.
Emily was Stefan’s little sister. She was 13 but was quite mature for her age; she even had a little crush on one of Stefan’s mates, Ashley, even though he was 4 years older than her.
He got dressed and made his way to college, meeting Ashley inside ‘Can’t wait until I can get out of this shit hole’ Stefan complained, gesturing to the college.
‘Tell me about it mate’ Ashley agreed.
‘At least it’s Friday. Let’s get fucking hammered!’
There’s not really much to say about the rest of the day at college, just the usual shit. But then half seven arrived... PARTAAAY TIME.
Stefan and Ashley went into Oceana to meet up with everyone else. When I say everyone else I mean Dru; his girlfriend, Anna, and Teddy, Maya and Henry. The problem was the drinks were ridiculously expensive. Stefan, Ash and Dru combined there... ‘Intelligence’ to come up with a game. That game? Minesweeping. The rules? Use your ninja-like ability to steal drinks and then BAM, high priced drinks for free!
Stefan managed to get the most, which is not a surprise. But it did leave him pretty wrecked, not that he cared. Anna managed to calm the boys down and sober them up. I say sober but I actually mean ‘less drunk than they were’. Stefan spent most of the night busting his moves on the dance floor, his moves consisted of; big fish, little fish, cardboard box; the robot; and several moves that only a drunk Stefan Abingdon could pull off.
Now at this point Stefan had pulled a lot of ladies with his sexual moves but it was when the most beautiful girl he had ever seen made an entrance into the club and into his life.

That girl was called Alice.
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