Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > What Is Love?

14- I Like You

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 1 review

-Is this what you want? Is this what you need?-

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-11-22 - Updated: 2011-11-22 - 1675 words - Complete

Jon walked over to Ryan's bed, sitting down and yawning. "God, it's too fucking early for drama." He complained, patting the spot next to him on Ryan's bed. Kade took the hint and slowly sat next to him, unable to hear a thing the boys were talking about in the other room. "Do you think I should go try to talk to him? He seemed upset." Kade mumbled nervously.

Jon shrugged, "Let him be upset. You didn't do anything wrong." Then he groaned, "Oh fuck."

"What?" Kade asked, eyes going to Jon.

"I just realized I fucked up." Jon whispered, annoyed. He hadn't when he realized he was wrong. He had originally come over wanting Ryan to tell him that he was right. Now he knew he was wrong. "I totally pulled a Spencer."

"Pulled a Spencer?" Kade asked, still not getting it.

"Eh, I've been on and off with this girl... She's pretty cool." Jon admitted, "But I assumed she did something with this guy even though she said she didn't and fuck... I'm gonna have to apologize. I hate awkward apologies."

"At least you are going to admit that you were wrong to assume." Kade told him, finding that to be a good quality. "Don't let it be awkward. If it's heart felt... Well then it'll be a lot more touching than awkward."

Jon nodded, "I suppose you're right."

Kade jumped as Spencer's voice floated in to the room. He was yelling at Ryan now. Jon paused, unsure if he should ask but then he decided to... "Your dad really did a number on you, didn't he?"

Kade nodded slowly, "Uh, what all did Ryan tell you?" She asked, wondering how much Jon and the others would know.

"Just that things got bad. Ryan doesn't tell details of other peoples lives. He's a good guy like that." Jon assured her, noticing her discomfort.

Kade agreed, "He is a good guy." That was one thing she was certain of.

Another shout. Kade jumped again, making fists. "I don't like when things get loud." She whispered. "I'm sorry. I must seem so pathetic to you. I mean, I know they are just words being shouted... not even directly at me but- but..." She simply trailed off, unable to form the words necessary to relay what she meant to say.

Jon surprised her when he rearranged himself on the bed, slowly pulling her down to him so that he could hold her. Kade tensed for a couple of minutes but then finally allowed herself to relax against Jon's body. She realized he meant it in an innocent way, he just wanted to make her feel safe. It was nice. "Thank you." She mumbled.

"No!" They heard Ryan yell, "Don't go in there. Don't you dare. Not with that attitude. She doesn't need to deal with your shit right now. Whatever malfunction you're having today goes beyond Kade. Don't pin it all on her!" Ryan yelled and they heard footsteps. Soon enough the door slammed open. Kade tensed against Jon and he winced in pain as her fingers dug in to his thigh as Spencer walked in, looking quite angry.

"Jon, he's been drinking." Ryan warned, walking in behind Spencer.

Spencer glared at the scene in front of him, his mind a blur from the alcohol. He had come to whine to Ryan, that's what everyone in there group did. He was upset after Brendon and Kade disappeared, unheard from and he figured something happened between them. He was sick of losing girls to his friends, especially Brendon but now... Now Ryan and Jon... Especially Ryan. Jon was a lady's man as well but Ryan? Ryan was his best friend! Ryan was the one he could always depend upon to be there, not to be in bed with the girl he was trying to get with.

So what if he had gotten depressed and decided to drink? If other people could do it then he could do it to. And so what if it made him in to an asshole? He didn't drink often. Kade was just the last straw. He really wanted to get to know her. Why did he have to lose that opportunity? Did he want that opportunity now? Spencer remembered her quietly sleeping next to him... He loved seeing her in his bed but now seeing her in Ryan's just ruined it for him.

Jon moved slightly, holding on to Kade's shoulders so that she wouldn't fall. She steadied herself as he got out of bed, "Spencer come on man. I'll drive you home."

Spencer shook his head, taking another shaky step in to the room. "I'm not going anywhere. I want to talk to Kade."

"You've had too much to drink dude. You're not talking to her like this." Jon said, standing in front of Spencer. He turned around, "Kade why don't you go shower or something? Just go to another room?" He suggested.

Kade was too terrified to move. Her eyes were glued to Spencer. Such a beautiful, sweet man... corrupted by alcohol. She wasn't sure she could deal with that. "I-I can talk to h-him." She stuttered out, trying to at least fake confidence.

"Nope." Jon crossed his arms over his chest. "He's drunk Kade. Spencer doesn't handle alcohol well, never has." he informed her, still standing in between them.

Spencer rolled his eyes and shouted over Jon, "I just want to talk to you alone for a minute." He was feeling the alcohol slip away from him. The original anger fading slightly, replaced by a startling sober feeling. And it was starting to annoy him how people were talking about him... right in front of him.

Ryan sighed, "Kade, feel comfortable talking to him in my living room?"

Kade nodded, standing up slowly. "Yeah."

Jon glared at Spencer, "I'll be listening. Don't be an asshole dude. You suck when you drink." And he meant that in the most loving way possible.

Spencer nodded in understanding and his eyes followed Kade as she walked past him, stopping at Ryan. She stared at him, trying to speak but her mouth got dry. "Ryan I- I..." What the hell was she trying to say? She seemed to forget how to word meaningful sentences. "I kind of view you like a brother." She choked out, hoping he wouldn't find that insulting or horrifying... or just anything bad.

Ryan grinned, "Is that your way of thanking me sis?" He asked, chuckling.

Kade smiled. He got it. He understood her. "Yes, it is." She got on her tippy toes and kissed Ryan on the cheek, very much grateful towards him. She barely knew him but... she felt like she knew him better than anyone else. He was like family for her. Was that because he saved her from her screwed up relationship with her father? Probably but the feeling still stuck.

"No problem." Ryan said, still grinning as Kade walked past. Spencer followed slowly, hoping to god that his mind was clear enough for him to speak to her without fucking everything up.

Once in the living room Kade turned to look at Spencer, "Hi." She nervously bit her lip.

"Hey." Spencer basically whispered.

"Your friends remind me of you. They all seem so sweet." Kade told him, remembering the night he took her home. He let her escape the hospital. Hell he let her escape her own mind for a night. It had been nice. Things had been simple.

"I'm glad to hear they treated you well..." Spencer said, sounding uncomfortable.

"They did. I mean, um... Brendon's funny. Jon seems sweet. Ryan is just amazing and you... well..." Kade blushed, not sure if she wanted to say what she had been thinking.

"I'm?" Spencer prodded, wanting to know what she had been about to say.

"You're like a mixture." Kade admitted.

Spencer smiled, "I suppose that's a good thing?" He kind of asked, not entirely sure.

Kade just nodded.

"I just want the truth Kade, pure and simple. I just want to know what happened." Spencer whispered, staring in to her eyes. "What happened between you and my friends?"

Kade sighed, "The truth is rarely pure and never simple Spencer."

"Quoting Oscar Wilde on me, are you?" Spencer couldn't help but like that she had. He liked that Kade wasn't brain dead like most girls acted around him. It had become popular to act stupid and he didn't understand why.

Kade grinned, "I'm pleased that you recognized the quote even... um, drunk? Are you drunk? You don't seem drunk." He really didn't. From all the time she had spent with her father, seeing him drunk... Spencer just seemed like Spencer. He was having a slight balance issue but that was about it.

Spencer chuckled at the look on her face. "Not really. Well maybe a little. I'm buzzed. I'm a little dizzy. I feel as if I'm sobering up quite quickly though. Jon was right. I'm a sucky drunk. I rarely drink."

"Why did you then?" Kade inquired.

"I'm only human Kade." Spencer said, sounding incredibly upset over something. Kade wished he would tell her what.

"I wasn't trying to lecture you. I-I, I would just like to know why. Something tells me you didn't just decide to drink for the hell of it. You seem more thought out than that." Kade said, nervously fidgeting.

"It's hard to explain."

"Try." Kade pleaded.

Spencer sighed, "It's hard to explain without sounding like a major creep."

"Creep me out then." Kade covered her mouth as soon as she said that. Spencer laughed which caused her to laugh. "I'm sorry. That sounded weird. Just- just go ahead and explain. I'm not going to judge you."

Spencer paused for a second, wondering how he could make his feelings clear to her without scaring her off. He didn't even really understand them or trust them. He went for what sounded light enough to not creep Kade out. "I like you." At least he hoped it wouldn't creep her out...
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