Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stepping Onto The Danger Line

Gun Shot

by Vengefulscout 2 reviews

Contains blood. Aria finds out what happened to the leader.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-11-22 - Updated: 2011-11-22 - 918 words

Aria’s P.O.V
I slung my suitcase to the corner of the room with strength I never knew I had, flung myself on the unmade bed and stared up at the plain ceiling, feeling emotion wash over me like the ocean waves. Almost against my will, a single tear slid down my pale cheek and I brushed it away, trying to rid the tear-track. I still was holding the photo of my mother and father and, once again, I stared at the photo under the glass frame and whispered words to it as if they were there “Mamma, papà. Mi manchi, mi manchi tanto” I chocked on the last few words, closing my eyes and I swallowed, feeling more emotion rise to the surface.

I must have fallen asleep or was on the verge of doing so because a heavy crash made me sit bolt up right and my mind was blurred. When I regained my conciseness, I jumped up, wondering what the noise had been. It could have been Bob picking up something top heavy with his “supernatural phenomenon”, as Gerard had called it, and dropping it? But Bob was out, he wasn’t here. It could be something outside? But the sound came from downstairs. Without thinking for a second longer, I pelted out of the room.

I jumped the last 3 steps and looked around. Once more, I had to use the sense of sound to detect where the sound had come from. As soon as I hit the floor as I jumped of the step, I heard cries and loud, concerned voices.

“You’re gonna be okay”

“Mikey, maybe you wanna stay outside”

“No! I am not leaving him”

I recognised Bob’s, Ray’s and Mikey’s voice coming from down the hallway. I was scared. What the hell was happening? Was one of The Impius here? No, they can’t be. I ran across to a room that was once a study when the past owners lived here. I took a quick breath, opened the door and gasped in shock.

It was a scene of carnage. 4 of the boys were standing around a table, all looked pale and sick. I then looked down and saw Bob and Ray’s hands were covered in blood and the source of it was lying on the table. Gerard was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his face contorted in pain and he was gripping his shoulder and moaning. The crimson liquid was flowing down his arm onto the table and dripping onto the floor.

The boys looked up as I opened the door; they were surprised to see me evidently. “Aria, leave. You don’t wanna be in here” Frank said, looking back down to Gerard with deep concern. I walked, or rather ran into the room and came over to the table. “Aria. I was being serious” Frank said loudly “You don’t wanna...” “What happened to him?” I asked Bob and Ray.

“We were doing a job as you know” Bob said “We arrived and there were 7 Impius members we took down. But, we didn’t know there were more of them. Around another 10 jumped on us as we were leaving. One of them had a pistol and as we were running from them, he got Gerard” he shook his head in a lost sort of way “The bullet went straight through his shoulder”

I ran over to Gerard, gently pushing Ray aside as I wanted to see the damage myself. Remember me telling you my father was a doctor? Well, he taught me how to handle wounds, cuts, broken bones. Anything to do with doctoring he taught me and now, the skills were needed. But a question arose. “Hang on” I asked “Gerard can heal, that’s his...power, right?” Ray nodded and said “He can only heal other people. But, he can’t heal himself. It’s sort of his curse”

I nodded, and then gently looked at Gerard pale arm. Bob was right, the bullet had shot right through the bone and muscle, a hole in his shoulder told me this. “Gerard, you need to stay calm” I told him, loudly, like barking an order. He glanced and me and tried to steady his breathing. I turned to Frank “Frank, you know you can change objects into other materials? Well, I need bandages, quite a lot by the look of this arm” I said, quickly checking Gerard’s pulse, circulation, heart-beat and breathing rate. He seemed to be stable for now but he had lost a lot of blood.

Frank came back quickly, holding a cloth and a long strip of paper than he turned into the bandage I was needed. I thanked him, took the cloth, placed it on his shoulder and applied pressure. He hissed through his teeth but didn’t cry out. When I was satisfied the blood flow had calmed, I took the bandage and very carefully wrapped it around his shoulder. After a long 30 minutes which seemed like an hour, I had done. Blood had stained my hands and my shirt but I didn’t care. I had just saved Gerard’s life.

Translations: Mamma, papà. Mi manchi, mi manchi tanto - Mum, dad I miss you, I miss you so much.

I know its sort but I wanted to get this bit done :) I am going to have a rough day Friday because its my grandad's funeral...Wish me luck.

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