Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Phantom Realm- Sequel to My Dirty Little Secret...

Under Pressure

by yorgismorgi 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-11-23 - Updated: 2011-11-23 - 677 words

Next Day...

I decided to go for a long walk in the forest today without Mysti, so I could try and get last night off my mind! The whole thing really bothered me...I don't like the fact that a ghost seems to be in love with me. I walked along the path, kicking the leaves out of my way, as I heard a rustling sound behind me. I spun around to see Gerard standing in the middle of the path, smiling.

"Hi." He said. I was ready to bust his little ghost secret now!

"Hi...So are you gonna tell me why you keep stalking me?" I questioned, feeling as confident as ever.

"What do you mean? I don't stalk you!" He snapped.

"Gerard, I know you're a ghost who seems to have a serious crush on me. And you were in the reflection of my mirror last night." I said.

" figured it out, I'm a ghost. But I'm not stalking you, I'm just waiting for a fatal accident to happen to you!" He said with a smile. Fatal accident?! He's a psycho!

"Because if you die, you can stay with me in the Phantom Realm forever...Or I can kill you myself." He whispered, as I could feel my adrenaline start to rush.

"I love you...a little too much, Reia." He said.

"You're insane,'re obsessed with me and you barely know me! Stay away from me, okay?" I said, feeling the tension that was now between us. His usually glistening hazel eyes now burned with fury and frustration.

"I'm not staying away from you, I'm not insane, and you're joining me sooner or later." He snapped at me. I decided I probably shouldn't anger Gerard anymore, incase he just lost it. I quickly spun around on my heel, and ran into the woods. I looked back for a second to see if Gerard had followed me.

I wasn't looking where I was going, and slammed my head into a low tree branch, knocking me out.

I was under the tree again, and Gerard was standing in front of me in the same black suit and red tie, and he was holding out his hand.

"Come on, it'll be fun, trust me." He whispered.

"W-what will be fun?" I stuttered, not sure what to say.

"The Phantom Realm, come on Reia!" He said.

"I'm not going." I snapped back.

"You've got no choice, sweetheart." He whispered.

"Why don't I have a choice?" I questioned.

"You REALLY wanna know why ya don't have a choice, sugar?" He said through gritted teeth.

He jumped on me, pinning me to the floor, before wrapping his pale hands around my neck. I was struggling to breathe as I tried to rip his hands off me. He let out a psycho laugh before screaming at the top of his lungs:

I slowly opened my eyes, realizing it was another weird dream. A boy who looked no older than me, stood over me.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

He had black hair, styled as a mohawk with the sides dyed red, un-identifiable tattoos everywhere, a lip ring that seemed to glimmer in the evening sun, and beautiful hazel eyes. I stood up, and introduced myself.

"I'm Reia." I said.

"I'm Frank, nice to meet you...I think there's a lot I need to explain to you." Frank said, with a worried expression. Frank went on to explain to me how Gerard was apparently the ruler of the dead, how powerful he was, the falling out they had and why they hated each-other. He also promised to keep me safe from Gerard, which was very helpful! He admitted he was a ghost, too...but not evil like Gerard.

"Thanks for the info, but I really need to get home or my aunt will freak out." I said.

"Don't listen to Gerard, he'll try to deceive you, ok?" Frank said.

I started the long walk back home, feeling safer than usual...
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