Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Restart Living My Life


by redglitterapple 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-04 - Updated: 2011-12-04 - 686 words - Complete

Frank's POV

"Hello?" I heard his rough voice pick up the phone. Why was I calling him... "Hello?!" he said with a bit more venom.

"Uhh.. Gerard?" I croaked on the other end. I wasnt sure how he would react to me calling him. I havent spoken to him in three weeks, but Ive seen him in school, avoiding me. Hes started hanging out with James and his lot, Im worried about him. James and his friends arent the kind of friends you want for life. James is a drug dealer, his girlfriend Ashley is a crack head and their friend Steve is the heart of the issue. I waited for a reply, but when I heard nothing but his forced breathing, I spoke again. "Gerard... look" sigh "I know Im probably the last person you want to talk to bu-" I was cut off by the phone being handled about and someone else's voice on the other end.


"Kat" I sighed into the phone. I leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed one arm over my stomach."I didnt know you were there." I said honestly.

"Well, I am. Surprise" she said sarcastically. "Id love to stay and chat" I spoke calmly "but would you pass the phone back to Gerard." "Sorry what?" she half laughed into the phone "You abandon him for over three weeks and you phone up like its all okay?" What the hell did he tell her. "Look Kat, this has nothing to do with y.." "Dont start Frank" she said, her tone an octave sharper. "Kat he's been using!" I almost shouted down the phone. "Cant you see that, I left because I couldnt handle him, but now Im worried about him"

There was no responce on the other end except a click. I sighed as I slammed my own phone down on the counter swearing. I guess why should she listen to me, Id make up any excuse wouldnt I? I tapped my foot angerly as I dug my fingers into the ends of the counters. I grinded my teeth and eventually sighed. I walked out into the living room to see Barb sitting on the couch arms crossed. "What was that about, Frank?" she asked in a curious, but knowing twang. "Shit" I breathed. I spoke louder "It was nothing, just... an old friend." I shrugged as I headed for the stairs, my hand on the banister as she spoke "If I didnt know any better, Id say it was more than an old friend, but if you say so, hun." she clicked on the TV to ABC, they were playing a rerun of last weeks "Desperate Houseives"

Not wanting to be there any longer, I ran up the stairs and closed the door in the bathroom. I didnt know what I was looking for, but when I saw the shower, I all of a sudden felt dirty, even though I had a shower litrally just this morning. (3am still counts right?) I stripped and turned on the water until steam flooded out and hopped in. I almost slightly moaned as I felt the hot water land on my tense, knotted muscles.

I dried my hair, pulled on my jeans and went to get a top when I stumbled upon my old beat up Batman metal lunch box. I used to love this thing as a kid. I took it and sat down on my bed. I opened the slightly rusted box and saw all the things from my childhood. The one good birthday card I got, my drawing of "A Happy Family", an old baseball, a few stray photographs and... a blade. I held the glistening silver in my hand for a moment before I thre it back in the box and closed it shut. I didnt need to remember that night, not now. I pulled on the first shirt I saw and walked back downstairs. Barb was now in the kitchen cooking, singing along to Keith Urban on the radio and Uncle Dan was right behind her, singing along and dancing. Thats a happy couple.
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