Categories > Movies > Labyrinth > Little Petshop of.....Goblins?!

Following the Trail

by WhispersOfStarlight 0 reviews

What happens when you mix a bird-eating, crystal stealing goblin, an irate goblin king, a petshop, and a bookworm Sarah? You get this summary...and this story. Featuring Garbo, my resident plot-gob...

Category: Labyrinth - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-12-06 - Updated: 2011-12-07 - 1374 words

A lone figure turned around the corner of the brick postal building and bumped into a middle-aged couple walking hand in hand, which caused his hat to fall to the sidewalk. The figure picked up his hat, and dusted it off with a rude snort in their direction, and started to walk the opposite direction. His rudeness caused the woman's husband to bristle with anger.

So he grabbed the figure's arm with a angry, "Hey, mister, don't you have manners? You just can't-"

The figure locked eyes with the husband, and icily replied, "Unhand me or you will regret your actions."

The husband gulped, and with wide eyes, releashed him quickly with a mumbled apology.

The man shook his head and with a devilish smirk, shoved his hat down over his blonde locks, and continued on his way.

"John, are you alright." the woman asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Karen. Lets get home." The man turned and began to walk, rubbing the palm of his hand as they went.


'Damned goblin. I am going to enjoy sending him into the bog, personally.'

He pulled the brow of his hat down further, casting a shadow over his face.

'Now where did that mangy goblin go? All this because of a damned crystal. A crystal that I should've destroyed long ago.'

But you just didn't have the heart to do it did you? Because it's her's, right? The man snarled at the voice echoing in his mind, violently shoving his hands into his pockets.

'Oh joy, even the Labyrinth offers no help today. I swear, if that goblin gives me anymore trouble when I find him, I might even help him into the bog. With a well-placed boot.'

Just because she so happened to be the first to beat you in the countless centuries since you became King, doesn't mean that you have to be such a sore loser about it.

He rolled his eyes at that last statement, ignoring the sting it caused deep in his chest. 'I knew I should have kept that door bolted and put an oubliette right in front. That would've kept the nasty little buggars out of there.' He looked up as drops of water plopped down onto his hat. Slowly at first, then faster, until it was a downpour. Lightening cracked and thunder rumbled omniously in the distance. 'Oh, as if it could get any worse.'

He felt the tug of the goblin's magic pull him until he came upon a little brick building. A shop from the looks of it. He knew from first hand, that goblins could choose to go undetected by humans, if they wanted to. The only problem was that they could easily be seen by animals. Which is going to make this even more difficult for him to retrieve this one.

'That's it. Forget the bog.' He thought as he stopped in front of the shop, eyeing the open sign with disdain. It was a Pet Shop.

He seethed. 'I'm going to kill him.'


A young woman of about twenty sat at a desk, flipping through a rather well-worn and battered book. She was lost so deep into her reading that she was startled by a loud crash in the back.

She marked her place, closed the book, and with shaking hands set it down gently onto the desk. And just as she rose from her seat, another crash sounded, causing her to scream, sending all the animals within the shop into a frenzy. Dogs were barking madly, and the birds were swquaking and banging against their cages, and the cats were yowling and hissing at something.

She quietly tip-toed around the desk and made her way to the doorway of the office.


Just then, thunder cracked and the lights in the old building went dark. She sighed and turned back to the desk and fumbled for the drawer handle. When she found it, she gave a slight tug and pulled out a flashlight.

'Well, better go see what's wrong with the animals. The storm is probably scaring them. It is supposed to be a bad one.'

She flicked on the flashlight and stepped out of the doorway into the main shop. she shone the light back and forth in front of her, until a movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She swung the light in the direction. Nothing.

'Calm down, Sarah. It's probably just a mouse trying to find some scraps of food. Don't start jumping to conclusions. It's not like that night. Nothing like that exists. Just a figment of your imagination.' She continued to check on the cages, trying to calm the distraught animals as best she could and then she heard it.

A little raspy, snickering laugh.

'No...nononono. Not again.' She spun around and as she followed the laugh, spinning to face it as it jumped from here to there.

Just then door to the small shop swung open, sending the bell attached to it flying and it fell back against the door with a crash, causing a loud and harsh tinkling to fill the air, signaling the entrance of a customer. The tall figure of a man appeared in the doorway. She couldn't make out the features, due to the long coat and the hat pulled down over their face.

Before she could stop herself, she spoke, "I'm sorry sir, but we're closed. The power just went out due to the storm."

"Well, yes I can see that from how dark it is in here. Or do you just enjoy turning out the lights at the end of a boring day just so when a customer comes in to browse at the last moment, you can turn them away easily with no remorse?"

She bristled in anger. 'How dare he!' She walked up to him indignantly, hoping to give him a piece of her mind, and when she finally came to stop in front of him, the little light from the flashlight threw his face into sharp relief. The flashlight fell from her slack grip and smashed into pieces against the floor as they locked eyes. They both gasped.

Her, out of disbelief.

He, out of exasperation.

The same thought ran through both of their heads. 'And to think this day couldn't get any worse.'

After a few tries to speak, all she could do is open and close her mouth at him. 'How did he...I thought...Wait, why is his hair so short. Did he cut it?'

He recovered from his shock faster, stepped around her, his eyes scanning the room, and spoke first. "Well, precious, as superb as your imitation of a goldfish is, I'm rather busy at the moment. I have a goblin equivalent of a 'pain in the backside' to murder. So if you don't mind stepping aside?"

The mention of murder, albeit 'goblin' murder loosened her tongue from it's shock enough to form words again and she said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Did you cut your hair?"

He stopped looking around and bent towards her in confusion. "Really, precious, that's the first thing you say to me after all these years? My, my, how originality has gone out the window."

Sarah recovered herself, still stewing from his first little spiel at her, and poked him in the chest. "You are a cruel, heartless bastard, you know that? Why did you come here aside from wanting kill a goblin? What exactly did it do to you? Did you come here out of some sick pleasure to torture me? Did you not do enough to me in the Labyrinth? Or are you just a sore loser? And on top of that, I am not the one ring and you are not Gollum, so stop calling me 'precious'!"

The confusion on his face grew at that last comment and he replied, "Yes, I am cruel as you all too well know. I am not a sore loser as you call it. What i do with my subjects is of little concern to you and what pray tell is a 'Gollum'?"
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