Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All We Are Is Bullets

Chapter 1

by elmoisemo6 0 reviews

Chapter 1

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-12-10 - Updated: 2011-12-11 - 339 words

“What's with this one?” Mikey asked him.
Gerard smiled and gladly told his younger brother. “It was when I was in Egypt a month ago. There was this belly dancer, and it's hard to explain but she was absolutely beautiful. I had to paint her.”
Mikey cocked his head. “How much did it cost you for her to model?”
“Nothing at all,” he boasted proudly. “I did it all from memory.”
“Seriously? You remember that much detail? Maybe she's actually your soul mate and that's why you remember her so well.”
Laughter bubbled from Gerard's lips and Mikey had to give up his infamous poker face and join in. They both knew very well that Gerard was completely homosexual. Of course he did find women beautiful, but not is a sexual way. He found it so much easier and just plain funner to draw women. Though of course he didn't mind drawing men every once in a while.
A white sheet fell to the floor and Gerard continued to gaze at the piece. It had been forever since he'd seen it. The painting of the breath taking belly dancer was too hard for him. He had stored it away and out of sight. He didn't have plans on putting it back up just yet either. He wasn't ready.
The death of his dear brother had hit him hard. Mikey him were like a married couple, they shared the same CDs and stuff. Then he lost him. He didn't have anyone to gush over Iron Maiden with or someone to read comics and watch scary movies. He even missed when Mikey split orange soda all over his Doom Patrol comic, his favorite one. He also missed when after an especially scary movie, Mikey would sneak into his room at night and sleep on the floor. Sometimes Gerard would have to get up and awake the younger Way from a nightmare that was most likely about their mother's porcelain doll collection coming to life.
But the cancer had taken him away.
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