Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions


by LoveLustAndPixieDust 5 reviews

sorry I made you wait so long

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-12-18 - Updated: 2011-12-18 - 176 words

Hey so the goodnews is that everyone is in woop woop! I shall be writing in the point of veiw of Alice Primrose (Poisoned Medow) here's some info about districts and who the band are and shtuff

District 1: Alice Primrose and Mike Pedicone
District 2: Clover Rayne and Ray Toro
District 3: темный ангел (oh god I may have to give you a nick name)
District 4:Ivy Baker and Bob Bryar
District 5: Rosie Oakland
District 6:Kira Morio Takeshi
District 7:Lia
District 8:Gerard Way and Annarkie Cholley
District 9:
District 10:Oaklyn Vine
District 11:
District 12:Frank Iero

As you can see I haven't put Mikey in because I could only choose Gee or Mikey cause they would be in the same district and at the end of the day i don't think I could bare to kill Mikey ~._.~ I still have many many spaces so you guys if you want to audition again feel free especialy if you want to audition brothers or oc male characters, if not I can make my own also if you havent auditioned already go do that now!
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