Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Motions Of Life?

To the End

by OverRated 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-12-18 - Updated: 2011-12-19 - 419 words - Complete

Chapter 13

The clouds paint the muted sky streak of grey, the titter tatter of the rain as it falls on the window pane. The raspy breath the wind exhales, gently rustling the decaying leaves. The darkness, creeping in all the hidden cracks.
Its winter again. And again. The seasons come and pass but I only notice winter.

I still sit here staring outside the dusty window, sitting in my beautiful state. The dress I wear and the pain I bear. The same beautiful dress that I recieved neatly packaged on my sixteenth birthday. The dress that got mixed in with the lot.
My hands are now wrinkled and my hair greying. My eyes tired and weary. My heart broken and my soul dead and mauled. Yet I still sit here, the dress covering by suffering like a warm shawl on a cold night, as my eyes gaze sadly at his house.

I havent cried since the day I lost him. I say lost as he wanders from horizon to horizon, looking for peace that I cant yet offer. My tears no longer streak my face in the hope of him returning. No point. I dont have much memories of him and that is why I treasure the ones that haunt me, like they were yesterday. They probley were, but time does not matter to me in this old state.

The promise, yes, the promise that I layed upon him the minute our lips brushed together for the last time. I owe him my life, regardless of how much I dont deserve it. And Ive lived that last promise through thick and thin. Ive spent my every breath, until this moment sitting, all broken and fragile in my own twisted mess, the only colours radiating of the dress. But I wouldnt have had it anyother way, knowing for what its worth.

I sigh.

Iam now 87 years old and I still wear the dress that was intended for him.
As I close my eyes, I use my last waking breath to mutter the reason I have lived this long ..... Gerard.

dear readers, this is the final chapter to ' The Motions of Life '. It has been a great exerience writing this and I apologise for its shortness. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Oh and keep a lookout for my future oneshots and stories. Please as a final favour I ask of you to Rate and Review and feel free to message me if there is anything that troubles you.
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