Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Like Phantoms, Forever (Frerard Oneshot)

by TashaMxOxO 2 reviews

Franks dad walks out on him and his mother. Who does Frank turn to for comfort? Gerard- of course.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-12-19 - Updated: 2011-12-19 - 1627 words - Complete

'That was the last straw! I can't take you, it, her any longer!' Smash. There went one of the posh expensive china plates Mrs. Iero had bought back from the last family holiday in Morocco.

'Okay, Linda I’m sorry. Look calm down please? Linda? Linda! Oh for fuck sake woman get a grip with reality?! You're insane!! You know what? I hope you die!' Mr. Iero spat viciously as he slammed the front door shut behind him, got in the car and drove off. Mrs. Iero was stunned. He'd never pulled off anything like this before. She slumped down the kitchen wall and cried. And cried. And cried.

And all the while, Frank was sat up in his room, crying, just like his mother. Sat hugging his knee's on his bed, bawling his eyes out. His parents always had arguments, but they were never this bad. Not ever. Frank had his iPod in, blurting out Hate The Living, Love The Dead by The Misfits on full volume, but it still didn't block out the screeching and screaming of the two adults downstairs.

Frank got up and darted across the landing to the bathroom, in hope his mother wouldn’t see him and collar him into a serious talk, just too cheer herself up. He pressed on the light switch and shut the door, making sure too lock it behind him. Clink. He pulled the door back to double check. Definitely locked. He walked over to the mirror and stared at the wreck looking back at him.

Frank looked awful. He was so pale, and thin. His eyeliner was halfway down his cheeks, and his nose was all red and blotchy from crying. Frank hadn't eaten properly in days. His parents had been in solid arguments for the past four days, which meant not eating for Frank. As soon as he was worried, his body went into shut down. Whatever food he did try and eat, he would only puke it back up again. It was 9pm and all he had eaten all day was a chocolate pop tart, which he struggled to keep down.

His life was a wreck. And the only thing he could turn too were his razors. That and Gerard, but Gerard was busy at the moment, he was working on an art project, and Frank felt selfish, disturbing Gerard for such small, stupid needs. Gerard needed all the time he could get on this project. Or so Frank thought.

He swung open the white cupboard door, and found his 'sponge'. Truth is, it wasn’t used as a sponge. Frank was clever. He turned it round and found the slit in the material, stuck his thumb and index finger in and pulled out a blade. He dropped the sponge, and himself, to the floor. He propped himself up against the bathtub. He pulled up the left sleeve of his Smashing Pumpkin hoodie.

He pressed, with a lot of pressure using his shaky hands. He dragged the blade towards him slightly, and the skin tore in two, creating a small canyon of blood. It wasn’t deep, Frank didn't cut deep. He just cut to let the pain out. He sat there in silence watching his emotions drip down his arm onto the white tiled floor, dripping, making a small, deep crimson pool of blood. He knew he had just broken his promise to Gerard. Nights ago, he had made a promise, never to go near another blade, and if he had ever felt like cutting, to ring Gerard straight away. He began to cry again, knowing how much of a letdown he was, and how much destruction that one small incision would cause.

He got up and went over to the sink. He stuck his arm under the tap and rinsed his arm clear. Sometimes he wondered if the washing of the cuts hurt more than the actual cut. He patted his arm dry with some toilet tissue, pulled the material of his hoodie back over his arm and wiped up the floor, before tearing another bit of tissue off too wipe away his tears. Frank sat on the toilet lid, once again hugging his knee's, and cried some more.

After he regained himself, and at least an ounce of his sanity, he got up, unlocked the bathroom door and went back to his bedroom. He gazed at his ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ poster above his bed and sighed, his cut throbbing. He slumped down on his bed and grabbed his phone from his pillow. He flipped the screen up and opened the contact book. Shakily, he found Gerard’s name. Sighing, he pressed dial and held the phone up too his ear.

‘Frankie?’ Gerard asked, surprised.

‘Gerard.. I, erm... I j-just wanted to erm... w-well..’ Franks voice trailed off as he twisted a piece of hair around his index finger.

‘Is everything okay sweet?’ Gerard purred, sending shivers down Frank’s spine. Just the sound of Gerard’s voice sent Frank into pure ecstasy.

‘Yeah..well...erm.. No, not exactly. Well.. Is it okay if I come over Gee?’ Frank Blabbered.

‘Of course sugar’ Gerard replied huskily.

‘Uhh, Okay, thank you, I-I’ll be there in five’ Frank hung up. He walked over to the bathroom one last time. He checked his appearance in the mirror quickly, and reapplied a neat line of black eyeliner on his bottom lash line before grabbing his iPod and putting on some Black Flag. He fled down the stairs and out of the front door, narrowly avoiding his Mother who was now in the kitchen, cleaning up the shards of broken china.

It was cold outside. Freezing even. It was mid October, 12 days before Franks birthday, and thin sheets of ice were slyly forming on the path and road, making the route to Gerard’s house that little more deadly. Frank lifted his head to the sky. The moon was half hidden behind wispy, grey clouds. As he walked through the streets, he could hear people’s music, which was way too loud, and loud roaring of airplanes in the gloomy night’s sky. Frank couldn’t wait to be in Gerard’s house, sat in the warm, by the fire, snuggled up into Gerard’s side. Gerard could always make Frank feel better, no matter what mood he was in.

Frank sighed as he grabbed the door handle, wiping underneath his eyes trying to gather the smudged eyeliner, but instead making it worse. Frank had no idea what he looked like.. Good job really. But none of that mattered, all that mattered was that his dad had just walked out on his mother, and Gerard was the only one who could numb it. He jolted the door handle down and let himself into Gerard’s house, knowing that it wouldn’t be an issue. He walked in and pulled out his earphones, taking in the warmth of Gerard’s house. He reached behind him and gently slammed the front door, so Gerard would hear Franks presence.

Surley enough, Gerard heard the door slam, and crept in from the kitchen with a knife in his hand.

‘Oh Frankie’ He cried at the state of Frank, and dropped the knife, knowing he wasn’t going to cause harm. All Frank could do was giggle shyly, as his eyes began to tear up again, just at the pity in Gerard’s voice.

‘Coffee? Coffee makes everything better’ Gerard winked. Frank nodded unsurely, he loved coffee, but he wasn’t really in the mood to drink anything. Gerard rushed into the kitchen, leaving Frank on his own again. He kicked off his shoes and walked over to the suede sofa . He sat in a ball, curling his knees up to his chin once more. It was how Frank sat when he felt insecure or upset. It made him feel protected, like no one else could get into his life.

‘I’m back sweetie’ Gerard purred as he walked into the room and held out the cup, waiting for Frank to grab it out of his hands like he normally does.

‘Put it on the table’ Frank mumbled quietly from in-between his knees. ‘I’ll have it when its cooled down’

‘Whats wrong sweetie? You’re never like this, and you’ve been crying, which you can’t deny, cause you look like a panda’ Gerard giggled lightly, making Frank smile also.

‘It’s my parents’ Frank whispered weakly as Gerard sat down so close to Frank, he could feel the warmth radiating off him. Gerard locked his arms around Franks slim shoulders and nuzzled his head into Franks neck.

‘It’ll be okay sweetie, they’ll get over it’ Gerard mumbled. He was tracing small patterns onto the exposed part of Frank’s neck.

‘But it’s not though Gee, my Dad walked out...’ Frank began to cry again. Gerard hushed Frank gingerly, whilst cradling him in his arms. Frank was now sobbing loudly into Gerards shirt, his arms flung around Gerards chest.
‘They’re going to split up, my dad will move away, and I’ll never see him again!’ Frank choked up.

‘Frankie, Sweetie, I’m here for you no matter what’ Gerard consoled.

‘You mean that?’ Frank questioned weakly. He sniffed his tears back for a while.

‘Of course I do. I promise’ Gerard reassured. Frank smiled weakly and leant up to kiss Gerard. Their lips joined weakly in a soft and tender kiss. It wasn’t a heated kiss, it was a caring, loving kiss of reassurance.

‘I love you Frankie’ Gerard murmured almost silently against Franks’s lips.

‘I love you too Gee’ Frank whispered as he cuddled into Gerards side.
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