Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Dear Insanity

by ChemicalGirl 2 reviews

When a girl is about to turn 18, she finds out she has a brother.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-12-30 - Updated: 2011-12-30 - 899 words

"What do you mean, you have a sister? Don't be stupid man. You don't have a sister." The person who spoke looks around the room in both shock and disbelieve, his brows furrowed and his hands located on his hips.

"Dude, I do have a sister. Look, I told you guys about this friend of mine I met at the tattoo parlour right? He's searched his family tree and found out we has an uncle and aunt who live in Germany or something. I told him I wanted to see my family tree as well, you know, I was bored. Anyway, so he talked to this other dude who's hobby apparently is finding out people's family trees and this morning I got the results back of my tree." Everyone in the room waits impatiently for more.


"And, besides the fact that I've got some roots in fucking Asia, I also have.. A sister." Some of the guys frown, others look like they've got a million questions. Obviously they're both worried and scared, scared for their friend. They didn't want his heart to get broken again, with his wife leaving him just four weeks ago.

"But.. You've never known you have a sister? Isn't that pretty fucking weird? I mean, You're twenty four and you find out you have a sister. Are you sure that dude hasn't fucked up your pedigree? I mean, that’s possible, right? Happens all the time." He shakes his head.

"No I called him right away, obviously. I couldn't even believe it myself, I mean, would you? He said he was one hundred % sure of the tree though, so I think he’s telling the truth."


On the other side of the ocean, a girl sits on her neatly made, Pokémon sheeted bed just like she does every single day. Watching the telly, reading a book she picked up from the library or writing song lyrics or short stories. All fantasy stories about what she wishes her life would look like.

Unlike all the other kids her age, she never goes to parties, never hangs out with friends – she doesn’t even have a lot of them – and she sure as hell never talks to boys. That is what makes her so different from all the other seventeen year olds she knows. But on the other hand though, they don't have a dad in jail for abuse and drug possession and a mother who was killed in a car accident when they were just twelve years old. With no other relatives to take care of her, she was immediately placed into an orphanage.

Now, the girl is just five weeks away from turning eighteen, which means she'll have to leave the orphanage to start living on her own. Money isn't a problem at all though, with her mother leaving her enough of it to last her at least a few years. Every single penny she receives she saves up for when it's time to live on her own. It's the fact that she'll have to do everything alone that frightens her. There won't be a caretaker to help her cook, clean or wash her dirty clothes. Nobody to tell her how and when she needs to pay the bills..

Of course she knows perfectly well how to wash, but it's the fact that there's nobody there to help her remember that scares her to death. At the orphanage, every single day is the same. Breakfast at 8:30, school at 8:00, back home at 3:00 and dinner at 6:00. She would have to make up a schedule for herself, just to make sure she did everything on time. But maybe her fear is derived from the fact that she doesn't want to end up like her father or worse, her mother.

She wasn't always like this though, hating almost everything and everyone but her music, books and television. She used to love living in the orphanage, hanging out with the other girls, until a few years ago, when they hired a new caretaker called Steven.

He was nice at first, but after a few weeks he started getting a little 'touchy' with the girls in his group, including her. And like it happened yesterday, she can still remember everything he did to her on the 27th of September three years ago. It was only until after he was done with her when the girls had found her in her bed, in shock.

That's when she developed a fear for men. No matter who it is, or what his sexual preference is, she is terrified of them. She's always afraid they'll hurt her like Steven did that one time. And that, is another reason why she doesn't want to live on her own. Nobody will be there to protect her from men. She shivers at the thought of them, murdering and raping every single woman they see. She may be overreacting just a tiny bit, but to her, it is serious.

Music is an exception the rule. She loved herself some good metal, with some alternative and garage whenever she's in the mood. And as you all know, the rock/metal industry is mostly run by men. No matter how much she's tried to hate all of them, music was so important to her that she just couldn't stop loving all the bands she listened to before it happened.
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