Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just Another Frerard Story :)

A very girly boy..

by LatherTheBlood 5 reviews

Gerard paints his nails before the show, Mikey taunts him whilst Frankie thinks they're cool..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-01-03 - Updated: 2012-01-03 - 392 words

A/N: Sorry, haven't updated in a while was stuck for ideas :L R&R pweaaase surprise A/N at bottom, not much of a surprise now but hey, its cool, special thanks to plates for being plates..


Gerard looked into his cup of coffee in disapproval; it was cold. He got up and placed the mug into the small over-head microwave and set the timer for 2 minutes; he liked his coffee boiling. Looking around, Gerard started rummaging through the cabinets only to find a small bottle of black nail polish in the plate cupboard.
"and this is in here why? isn't this supposed to be a bus for four dudes?" he mumbled aloud.
he unscrewed the lid and sniffed the black liquid, it smelled nice.
"maybe just one or two nails..or ten.." he smirked to himself, thank god nobody else was here.

He slowly moved the brush up the middle and around the sides of each ten nails, looked pretty nice.
of course after he'd finished Mikey, Frank and Ray would appear, because Gerard's always had such good luck with things like that.

"Gee we're ba-- what the fuck are you doing?" Mikey said trying not to laugh.
"uh..nothing" Gerard said re-screwing the lid and throwing the bottle to the other side of the room.
"Dude, don't lie, your painting your nails like a girl, your such a girly boy!" Mikey smirked.
"urgh..shut up it's for the show!" Gerard lied.
"Yeah sure, i bet your trying to impress a certain person...:cough: Frank..." returned Mikey.
"You called?" Frank said cheerfully from the back of the bus.
"Nothing. Go back and play with your barbies" Mikey ordered.
"They are not barbies they are action men actually!" Frank said sticking his tongue out.

Gerard's face grew a light shade of pink and headed for the door, too embarrassed at what Mikey had said because really, it was true. As he reached for the handle he heard his name called from the back room.
"Hey, Gee?" Frank said.
"Yeah?" He returned hiding his face so nobody could see the colour.
"I like your nails" Frank smiled.
"Thanks" He muttered and exited the bus.

A/N: yeah well here's the surprise if you R&R you get A PRETTY PONY! :O bet that makes you want to review huh?
-LatherTheBlood xo
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