Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Love Bites.

by JamzKilljoy97 0 reviews

Frank has left the Way's house after a small accident which leaves him hungry, but what happens when he bumps into Gerard?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-01-04 - Updated: 2012-11-01 - 966 words

Frank's P.O.V

I scuffed the toe boxes of my black Doc Martens on the pavement as I made my way home in the dark. I sighed heavily and thought about the previous night. Mikey had burst in just at the wrong moment, Gerard hadn't seemed to have got my note, and Donna was the cause of my leave when she cut her hand on the shattered glass. Great.

I stopped and slowed a little in my tracks as the bushes whistled and trees swayed and whispered to each other like a game of Chinese whispers.

And that's when I felt it.

But then I felt it - the hunger and the adrenaline, the power and the fear - kicking through my body, pumping through my veins. All of them together, reinforcing hunger and strength in one almighty motion, and I found myself running faster and faster, twisting through the deserted streets of New Jersey and coming to a halt at the entrance of an alley near Gerard's house.

Why did I run here? I didn't want to be anywhere near here when I was like this. I couldn't be. I didn't want it to be like this, but I had no choice. I just had to go with the flow until the feeling had left. But not here. Anything could happen. He could see me.

Only, it wouldn't be me.
This isn't me.
This never will be me.

"Frank?" An unforgettable voice called, pulling me from my thoughts and questioning my being as I heard his footsteps close some distance between us.

He couldn't be here. It wasn't safe.

"Go home, Gerard."

I didn't mean for it to sound as harsh as it did, but he really couldn't see me like this. He wasn't allowed to know.

"But Frank.." He whispered into the cool April air and stepped closer "There's something you should know.." He continued, but I really couldn't here it now. It was taking over. I wasn't going to be responsible much longer.

"Look, Gerard.. I'm sorry, but this isn't the time. I really shouldn't be here right now. I'm sorry.. I'll explain tomorrow.." I felt him wipe away a hot tear from my cheek and make gentle shushing sounds against my forehead as he rocked us both back and forth. But I couldn't carry on; I had to tell him.

"I love you, Gerard Arthur Way. Always have, always will. And there's probably something you should know that you won't like or believe, but it's the reason why you have to go home. Please, trust me and I'll see you tomorrow." I told him, grabbing his shoulders and looking directly into his warm honey eyes - those eyes I've always looked into, but never once have I seen them like I did tonight. I usually saw them as passion, warmth, and understanding, but tonight, they were food.

Looking deep into them, I saw confusion; I saw love; and fear. Suddenly regretting my actions, I pulled my gaze away from his eyes and onto my scuffed up shoes, merely inches away from his.

The screaming in my head quietened, now down to a whisper as I tried to convince myself I wasn't a monster, nor was I going to feed tonight, let alone on Gerard. I just couldn't. I shouldn't. But as the voices subsided, I almost forgot all of my decency, all about the love I felt for him. Almost. I caressed his soft, pale cheek, gently kissing his thin, pink lips and moving my hands to his neck, curling his hair behind his ear.

"I know what you are, Frank.. I know why you left and why I shouldn't have came out here tonight. And I know that you need to eat, and I know that when I say this, you won't deny me, because you're not you right now. I know you don't want to hurt me, but you've got no choice. I explained it to Mikey; he knows everything. And here I am. I want you to do this for me. And I know that if you were you, you wouldn't. But, right now, you have to. And even if I'm not making any sense, just know this: You're not a monster; you're just a boy. And I'm offering you all I can, so you have to take this." He said firmly, tilting his neck to one side, "And the last thing I want to hear you say is that you love me."

I couldn't speak. Nothing made sense.

"I love you, Gee. I'm so sorry."

My teeth sank into his soft, innocent flesh, and I felt a warm flow of energy and love enter my mouth;I left it to flow freely, rather than drain him of it all.

"I love you too, Frankie." He whispered, before falling weakly into my arms as I lay his body gently on the pavement. I kneel by him, watching as the crimson stains his beautiful pale neck, dripping into his hair as it starts to rain. Water pouring from the cracks in heaven as they mixed with my salty tears, collapsing onto Gerard's fragile frame, and, resting my head on his chest, I felt his heartbeat softly, slowly, until it stops.

And I have no purpose. No reason for my immortality.

The rain crashes down on us both and I raise my head to kiss my lover's corpse softly on the lips, remembering his last words. Not spoken in anger or confusion, but in love and understanding.


And I'll remember that night forever.

February 14th, 1993.

Gerard Arthur Way, aged only 15. Brother of Mikey Way, son of Donna and Donald Way. My best friend. My last victim.

And I'll always love him.

Hope you liked it:3 R&R please! xo -Z
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