Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

An Apology And A Question

by theescapist99 10 reviews

Nope, it's not a story.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-01-06 - Updated: 2012-01-07 - 265 words - Complete

So I realize I've never actually put out a formal thing explaining why I slowed down so much with my stories. So here it is.

Remember my grandfather who had Alzheimers? Well he died. Also, almost right before that happened, I got engaged to my boyfriend of seven years. Sooo... lots and lots of family things were going on, in addition to the holiday season.

Things are finally starting to slow down again, which is why I can finally sit down and write you guys this note. I'm sorry I haven't been updating. Everything's just been so asdfghjlk, for lack of a better word. I can't really say when things will get back to normal, I actually just started interning at this really huge hospital. I really do hope things do soon though. I'm not sure how many of you care anymore, but I still do despite everything.

Also I thought of a few propositions. One will be posted in the torture story when it's ready to be, and one I will post here now:

As you know, every Sunday, I post a one short or a short story. Or at least, I try to. Usually these one shots get a few requests for a continuation, sequel, or follow up. I can't possibly write a continuation for all of them, but is there one in particular that you would like to see a follow up on? Cast your votes --- or you know, don't (less work for me) ---- and I'll see which ones I might be able to work on.

Lots of love,
Myren. :)
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