Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > For Riku's Sake

Chapter 02

by BBC7Fan 0 reviews

Hades tempts Riku with a dark offer.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Kairi, Riku, Sora - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-06-22 - Updated: 2006-06-23 - 465 words

Kingdom Hearts
For Riku's Sake
by Vash
Disclaimer: No one in Kingdom Hearts belongs to me.
Summary: Riku is injured during a Struggle with Sora.

-Chapter 2-

"Why?" Kairi asked the silent room.

Sora looked up. He knew exactly what she wanted to know. Why had Hades deliberately hurt Riku
like that?

"Because Hades is a jerk."

"Now, now," Hades chastised as he appeared in their midst. "There's no need for flattery."

"What are you doing here?" Hercules demanded.

Sora got in Hades' face. "If you even so much as look at Riku again, I'll kill you."

"I'd like to see you try," Hades grinned. "Since I'm not technically alive. Now, if you'll
excuse me, I have some work to finish." He vanished before anyone could grab hold of him.

"No, you don't." Hercules ran into the room where they were treating Riku, Sora following.
He didn't try to stop the younger hero. He knew Sora would not pay him any attention if he

"Hades!" Hercules called.

Hades, looked up from Riku's bedside. Sora could see the tears running down the white-haired
boy's face as he eyed the dagger that Hades must have given him.

"Riku, please..." He reached out, but Hercules blocked him.

"Whoever is even as much as nicked by that knife gets a one-way trip to the Underworld."
he warned.

"Go on, Riku," Hades coaxed. "You'll never walk again. You'll never enjoy a Struggle, or
ride a skateboard, or do any of the things your friends do. It's the only way, really. Go
ahead. Do what you want to do most with that knife."

"Please, Riku," Sora begged. "Please, don't..."

Riku's eyes gleamed dangerously as he gripped the dagger. "You're right, Hades."

Hades' eyes narrowed in triumph as Sora's and Hercules' faces bore masks of shock and horror.

Before anyone had a chance to move or say another word, Riku switched his grip and flung the
dagger at Hades! "And it's all your fault!"

The dagger imbedded itself in Hades' shoulder and the Lord of the Underworld was banished
back to his realm.

Riku started to sob as Hades' words hit home. "He's right," he said, mostly to himself.
"There's a lot I can't do anymore. But," he wiped his nose with a tissue Sora had given him,
"that doesn't mean I can't do anything. I'm just going to have to rethink my life a little."

A doctor, who had been standing nearby trying to stay out of Hades' way, took Sora aside.
"Your friend..."

"Riku," Sora told him.

"Riku," the doctor amended, "is scared, Sora. He hasn't truly accepted his situation, yet.
He's going to need your support and understanding for a long time to come."

"I'll do everything I can for Riku," Sora promised. "We all will. He's our friend."
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