Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The (Not So) True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys (And Their Cool Friends)

Chapter 9: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W

by RebelDevil2019 0 reviews

Jess must save her little sister Grace from BL/ind. But will she be too late?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-01-09 - Updated: 2012-01-09 - 1803 words

Chapter 9: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W

We all knew where they had taken her. The Industry only sent Korse out for the big problems. So although we had no idea why, Grace was a big problem and that meant she had been taken straight to the heart of Battery City.

Better Living Industry’s HQ.

The car journey there took us well into the night, but despite this, none of us spoke. The only time we stopped was to change the batteries in our ray guns and we were off again. We all knew it was a suicide mission, but our hearts were set. We were gonna get Grace back.

Just as we were reaching the borders of Zone 1, there was a burst of static from the radio before Dr D’s voice came through.

“Killjoys! What the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re gonna get yourselves killed and I’m not gonna be there to clean up the mess you make while you’re at it! Boys, for the sake of any God out there, don’t do-”

There was a click as Poison shut off the radio. Then silence resumed. It was sweet of Dr Death to care, but he didn’t understand. We had to do this. I had to do this. For my sister.

We had been told by Lithium Genocide gang that there was an underground tunnel leading into BL/ind just off the border of the city. We circled for a bit, and sure enough, there was the tunnel. Once inside, the roar of the Trans Am’s engine was echoed all through the tunnel, sounding like a jet engine taking off. So much for sneaking in quietly, I thought snidely. Up ahead I spotted a toll booth guarded by two Dracs and a S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. they glanced up at the roar of the engine and rushed to their weapon. Thankfully, their aim was shit and Poison crashed through the barrier without a wince, taking the Dracs with it. A moment later, I heard an alarm go off somewhere, but I didn’t care. They would know we were coming sooner or later.

We pulled up outside the front of a tall, ominous building with the BL/ind logo pretentiously stamped on the front. I was half tempted to flip the bird, but I knew we didn’t have time. The others had already exited the car and I was close behind as we all strode toward the company hub.

A couple of Dracs sprung out from behind some bollards, but the guys had taken care of them before I even had to lift my ray gun. There didn’t appear to be any Dracs inside, so we entered without much fuss. I glanced around, worried. Where were they all? Here they were, The Fabulous Killjoys had just wandered into BL/ind and nobody was in site? Something wasn’t right here.

“Rebel Hurry up!” I turned to see the others had already got into the elevator and Kobra was holding the door for me. I hurried over and Kobra let the door slide shut.

“Which floor?” I asked.

“They don’t have floor’s, it’s just a bunch of units.” Ghoul was peering at the buttons labelled on the wall and I saw he was right. No numbers, just names.

Poison spoke up from the back corner “Try S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. That was the name on those Dracs jackets in the desert.”

Ghoul did as he said, then straightened up. There was a slight lurch, and then the lift began to move upwards. I took a deep breath to steady myself and crossed my fingers, praying we had got the right room and that we weren’t about to be faced with a shitload of Dracs all pointing their ray guns at us.

Instead, we were faced with what looked like a control room with only a couple of Dracs sat at the consoles. As soon as they noticed us, they grabbed their weapons, but they never even had time to pull the trigger as Poison and Kobra took them out. Looks like Ghoul was right, I thought to myself, they do kick some serious ass.

Please God, please let her be alright. I scanned the room quickly, looking for any sign of her as Jet and Ghoul checked the perimeter. Surely, she must be here, she had to be, there was no way-


I spun around and nearly cried with relief. Grace.
She was running towards me, followed closely by Poison, who had a worried look on his face. I didn’t pause to think why as I fell to my knees and wrapped Grace in a tight hug. We stayed there for a while, just holding each other and I swore to myself I would never let her go again.

Reluctantly, I let go and held her at arm’s length as I scanned her for injuries, babbling as I did. “Grace, oh God, are you okay? I swear to God, I am going to kill every motherfucker in this place if they hurt you!”

Grace just shook her head and said quickly as I paused for breath “I’m fine, I was just scared cause I didn’t know what was going on, but now-“

“We can catch up later girls, but right now we gotta get out of here.” Grace and I turned to see Jet and Ghoul already in the elevator and rushed in after them. I refused to let go of Grace’s hand until we were back in the Trans Am. As Kobra and Poison slid in behind us, Jet hit the button marked “Reception” and we moved downwards.

The others all had their weapons drawn, so I did the same, a little awkwardly because Grace was clinging to my right hand. Just a little further, I thought. A little further and then you’re home free. If we can just get back to the Trans Am . . .

As soon as we stepped out the elevator, all hell broke loose.

There were Dracs in every corner and all of them were firing at us. The guys instantly went into combat mode and split, leaving me clutching a terrified Grace’s hand in the middle of the hallway. I watched the fight happening in front of me almost in slow motion. My head was screaming at me to help them, but my body didn’t want to move. Suddenly, I felt a tug at my hand and looked down to see Grace trying to tug me towards the doors.

I snapped out of it and ran across the hall, ducking low to avoid the lasers flying over our heads. All of a sudden, Drac stepped in our path, forcing us to halt. He raised his ray gun, but I managed to shoot him down, once in the knee, once in the head. I began to move again, but noticed that Grace had stopped. She was staring in horror at something just behind us and as I turned to see what it was, my blood ran cold.

Korse was there. Korse was holding a ray gun to Party Poisons head. He smiled briefly before pulling the trigger.

All I registered was a bright flash of light and the sound of Grace’s screams. I felt someone grab my other hand and begin pulling me towards the exits, but I was too numb to notice. Party Poison. Dead. It couldn’t be. I turned back to see Kobra running to his brothers side before there was another flash of light and Kobra Kid went down too. I couldn’t process it. I just felt dazed.

I was brought back by the sound of shouting.

“Ghoul, are you crazy –“

“Just go! You’ll have a better chance if I hold them off!” I blinked and took in my surroundings. We were outside Better Living Industries. Well, me, Grace and Jet were. Ghoul was still . . .

“GHOUL!” Grace was running to the doors as Fun Ghoul shut himself inside. I watched as Jet Star pulled her back, exchanging a grim nod with Fun Ghoul. I locked eyes with him for a second and caught a brief smile and a wink before he turned to face the Dracs closing in on him.

I couldn’t watch any longer as I followed Jet Star and Grace back to the Trans Am. There was a blue van parked next to it, with The Fabulous Killjoys written in bold on its door. Looks like Dr D sent reinforcements after all, I thought.

There was another flash of white light and Jet Star lay across the hood of the Trans Am, struck down by the lasers firing at us from BL/ind. Grace and I only stood there in shock, staring at him, unable to believe it.

The door of the van slid open and a man in a leather jacket and blue spotted tights jumped out and began firing at the Dracs perusing us. Behind him was another man in a wheelchair who was gesturing and calling to us. His voice sounded familiar . . .

“Come on Killjoys! Get your asses in here!” I recognised him instantly.

I allowed Dr Death Defying to pick Grace up into the van and turned back to face BL/ind HQ. I glanced across the fallen bodies of my friends and lifted my gaze to the tall building in front of me. On the second or third floor, I saw a woman staring down at me. She was dressed entirely in grey and her hair was cut into a short black bob. She stared at me and I stared back. Slowly and deliberately, I raised my middle finger before climbing into the van after Grace, followed by the man in blue spotted tights.

I heard the door slam, the tires squeal and we were moving. I sat down heavily onto the floor next to Grace and just stared at the floor. A sudden tiredness came over me, exhaustion, at what I wasn’t sure. My brain was still trying to process everything that had just happened in the space of 10 minutes. I felt Grace lean her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her, squeezing tight.

Dr Death Defying turned to face us. “So girls, what happened back there?”

I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. What did happen back there? It was all so fast . . . Suddenly, I knew.

Party Poison. Jet Star. Fun Ghoul. Kobra Kid.

The Fabulous Killjoys.


Because of me.

I put my head in my hands and sobbed with my little sister.
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