Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I`m trying to let you know...I just don`t know how

chapter eight

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2 reviews

“Fine, just thinking.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-01-10 - Updated: 2012-01-10 - 1130 words

Gerard`s pov
I was staring angrily at the nearly empty double door wardrobe,pale hands on my hips, biting on my pink bottom lip worriedly. I was stood in the centre of my bedroom, surrounded by several huge piles of clothes, which looked like mountains. And don`t even get me started on jackets, I was a well renowned jacket whore and there had to be at least one hundred different jackets, of all colours and brands, glaring up at me unhelpfully from the uneven hills of shirts and jeans.
“What am I going to wear?!” I groan, and ask the ransacked wardrobe, taking yet another look in case the perfect outfit had just suddenly materialised out of thin air.
I should never have offered to pick Frank up yesterday, even though he had no car of his own at the moment to take him the rehearsals scheduled to take place in less than two hours. He could easily have gotten one of the others to take him, they wouldn`t have minded. But I had to open my big god damned mouth and offer, not thinking of the consequences for a single second. Being around the God that was Frank Iero had never been easy for me, considering my deep, hidden feelings, but I had found that lately it had become even more difficult. I missed his touch, the feel of his perfect lips working against mine; I longed to feel it once more. Sometimes it was all I could think about.
Sighing I slowly search through the one of the larger mountains and pick up a relatively new t shirt and pull it on quickly. I match it with a my favourite pair of jeans, dark blue in colour, and ripped at the knees from a brief, painful encounter with the solid concrete ground a few months ago. I kick through the piles of shirts, jackets and jeans and manage to make my way over the black framed mirror that stood on top of the plain oak dressing table. I groan when I see my all too pale, washed out reflection in the glass, the dark circles under my eyes showing just how little sleep I had gotten last night. Giving up on the bright red tangle of hair almost instantly I hastily smudge a little black eyeliner under my tired looking eyes, grab a plain black leather jacket from the floor and hurry down the stairs.
My stomach was a mess of jumpy, fluttering butterflies, making eating an impossible feet so I decide to get my shoes on now and find my car keys, instead of frantically searching for them when the time came to go and pick up Frank.
I pace back and forth for a few minutes, impatiently waiting for the dammed clock hands to point to the right time. I didn`t want to get there too early and seem like a desperate, needy person but I wasn`t sure how much more of this anxious waiting I could take. The time ticks by infuriatingly slowly until eventually it was quarter past nine and an acceptable time to leave to get to Frank`s house for half past. He lived just over ten minutes away from me so I should be able to get there just before half nine, if the traffic wasn`t too bad.
Frank`s pov
I wait anxiously, pacing up and down the corridor for the sleek, black car belonging to Gerard pulled up outside my house. I had been up since three am, unable to sleep knowing that he was going to be here so early in the morning to come and get me. it wasn`t like I never saw the crimson haired singer it was just that I rarely got the chance to hang out with him on my own. Mikey or Ray were always there. Finally, after what seemed to be hours and hours of god awful waiting his car pulls up outside the house and I watch with mixed emotions as the red head gets out of it and casually strolls up the garden path to the door, which I open before he even has to knock.
“Hey Frankie, you wake up in time for once then?” He jokes and I nod, trying to hide my light blush with my tangle of dark hair.
“Do you want a drink or something before we go, rehearsals don`t start for a while.”
“Hmmm...Sure.” He smiles at me, and follows me into the living room, before shrugging off his black jacket casually and slinging it across the arm of the chair.
I already had a coffee made for him, knowing that he would be unable to pass on the warm, delicious liquid that he craved so much. Besides, it meant that I would have a little longer with him on my own, which was a blessing as much as it was a curse.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see Gerard biting on his perfect, pink lower lip, almost as though he was nervous. I frown and sit next to him with my own drink, careful not to sit too close, as much as I wanted to be able to throw myself into his lap. Something which would cause a hell of a lot of awkwardness, not to mention the end of our friendship.
“So err, how was your brotherly chat with Mikey yesterday?” I ask, out of curiosity, wanting to break the strange almost awkward and tense silence between us.
His stunning eyes narrow and I can see his knuckles pale as he grips his mug of coffee tighter. “Fine.” His one word answer confuses me, but I don`t push it, deciding that it had to be a personal thing between the both of them.
Draining the last of his steaming hot coffee, Gerard gets to his boot clad feet and grabs his jacket, slinging it over his arm. “We`d better go now, don`t wanna be late.”
I nod and collect my own jacket, following him out of the house nearly forgetting to lock up as I remember the magical, odd moment that had occurred just as Gerard left yesterday. He had leaned in, super close to me, our faces almost touching, his breath tickling my skin. He had been so close I thought for one amazing, heart stopping moment that he had been about to kiss me.
But he hadn`t of course. That was just wishful thinking on my behalf.
“You alright Frank?” Gerard asks me from a few metres away, stood next to the car, leaning casually against it, a concerned look on his beautiful face.
I force a grin and nod. “Fine, just thinking.”
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