Categories > Original > Fantasy > Nizumi's Dream

Nizumi's Dream

by Nizumi 0 reviews

Nizumi has a dream/flashback about her parents

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Horror - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-23 - Updated: 2006-06-23 - 525 words

Nizumi's Dream

"Nizumi dear, dinners done!" I heard my mom call from the kitchen "Coming!" I said as I ran down stairs. "Where's dad" I ask as I sit down at the dinning table. "late at work again" mom said as she sat in her own chair and picked up her fork.
"What's the matter haven't touched your food yet" my mom asked as she swirled her fork in the large glob of spaghetti on her plate and stuffed it in her mouth. "I just have a bad feeling like something is about to happen". Like what" my mom asks " I don't know" I say as I poke the abnormally large glob of spaghetti on my plate.
" I'm home!" My dad announces as he enters through the front door. "Daddy!" I say as I run and leap into his arms for a well deserved hug, luckily he had enough time to put down his briefcase. "Daddy I had that feeling again...". "Shh...its ok I'm home now..." My dad tells me as he pats the top off my head.
"Mmm...this is good dear". My dad says before he stuffs another forkful of spaghetti in his mouth. " Glad you like it". Mom says as she too takes another bite. "so Nizumi how was school...did you get your report card yet"? Asks my dad. " In fact yes...I'll go get it". I say as I get up from the table and put my plate in he sink then run up the stairs to my room.
" I know I put it in here" I say as I rummaged through my backpack. " Aw Ha here it is". I said as I pull it out of my blue Taz folder. That's when I heard it, the shattering of glass and the screams of my parents. I drop my report card and dash down stairs to see my parents lifeless on the hardwood floor in the dining room. "MOM!", "DAD!". I scream at the top of my lungs as I rush to them hoping they could still hear me.
"Look another one". I heard a unfamiliar voice say from behind me. I spin around and there's a boy about my age maybe older and a man. "What do you want". "What did you do to my parents"?! I asked questions franticly as I inched closer to the phone about to call the cops. "We drained them of their life source my dear". The boy said as he steps closer to me. What do you mean"?! I asked, picking up the vase that next to the phone about to throw it at him. "Here We'll show you". the man said as he moves lighting fast and grabs my hair from behind me. " Here Andrew Its your turn to drink". "But father..."? "We can just let her go..". "Andrew!...I said its your turn!" "'Andrew' growls as he walks over to where the man is holding me and bends down over me, whispers in my ear " Im sorry". then I feel a sharp pain in my neck, "Ahhhh...!" I scream before my eyes flutter shut and I pass out.
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