Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm okay now....(thats a lie)

i love you daddy

by deannagoodenough 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-01-14 - Updated: 2012-01-15 - 926 words

It’s been about a week now sense my last accident as everyone calls it but I don’t mind me and warnings never left each other’s side which makes frank and mikey kind of lonely but he’s okay with it besides Gerard is having some trouble with me attacking random crayons and art supplies that he leaves out sometimes…it’s not my fault that the colors are sharper then before…its about time for him to let the others know about what me and my twin are after all it was a 50/50 that we would take after him…but then again we could of token after our mother…anyways…warnings been good she has just ether slept or played with a little furry mouse all day long…like really? we might be wolfs but do you really have to act like one??NO!!!

“hey Halloween?? to Halloween!!” gee said waving a red crayon in my face the one that has bite marks all over it from me chewing it to hell and back


“are you alive in there??” he asked still waving the crayon in my face waiting for me to respond

“Yeahh...What’s...Up...CRAYON!!!” I screamed out grabbing it with my mouth instantly chewing on it happily with some drool hanging out the side of my lips as he sat down by me

“Warning and the guys went out for today and I thought I would take you out for a bonding day just me and you and no one else”

“like no fans interrupting no phone calls no texts just me and you gee” I said looking at him with the crayon almost dropping out of my mouth when he shook his head yes to agree

“that’s what I said isn’t it?? Are you ready??”

“come on!! Don’t make me drag you outside!”gee said smiling while I got up running to the door and stepping outside of it all dramatic like with him right behind me we left our phones on emergency only so if anything goes wrong we still can be reached…but Gerard didn’t tell me where we were going at all just stuck a blind fold over my face and told me to walk…great plan right!! NOT!! I fell into so many road bumps it wasn’t even funny…but I guess it was for gee cause he couldn’t stop laughing at me which got me to hit him straight and square in the gut perfectly every time…for a K9 I clean up good

“soo where we at Gee??”

“somewhere princess”


“okay okay where almost there now turn keep turning…and STOP!!” I guess I don’t take directions well cause I turned into something hard and cold and large causing me to fall once again so I just stayed on the ground in till I got helped up I really hate help…

“close your eyes don’t open them till I say so got it”

“Yes Gerard I understand you!”

“1…2…3….OPEN!!” he yelled and I did in shock screaming out “AND THERE LIGHT!!” but stopping with my eyes and mouth wide open and I think I was drooling a little this was the ultimate playground for a K9 okay maybe… was a over the top dog playground made just for humans like everything was bigger than humans it was like a amusement park

“so you like??”

“why are we just standing here I think I need a crayon now…..” I said smiling as I slapped his arm playfully as I took off running into the park running up slide going through tunnels going down these weird metal slide titter- totters it was way too much fun…and hell just to see Gee do this was even more fun…

“soo Gerard??”

“yes Halloween??”

“thank you for bringing me here…for taking me and warning in…for being something we never had even though I’m not really letting you in..but thank you” I smiled hugging him as we sat on top of the biggest slide there that had view over everything

“well your welcome!!...look what I brought!”

“hmm what’s that??”

The smile broke wider I swear when he pulled out a red crayon the size of my body like no joke it was 5’3” and like a really really fat crayon I almost cried I felt like a little kid it was weird but I loved it the dam thing was amazing and so is took about 2 months before I let him in somewhat now he’s in more…and well…I’m actually liking that big old K9

“you like?”

“me love”

“that awesome Halloween…it really is” he said hugging me

Later that day we had lunch then a movie then some really awesome pizza and then some very very sugary coffee we didn’t make it back to the bus before the others at all we actually made it back around midnight

“Hey Gee?!”

“yeah pumpkin?”

“don’t go into the bus yet” I said walking towards him a little with a smile as he stepped back down onto the cement and came towards me


And that’s when I did it I ran to him and hugged him “because I love you daddy” its all that took for Gee to melt to break to hug me back with a tear a single red tear

“I love you to honey..I love you to..”
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