Categories > TV > Smallville > Blood Ties

Blood Ties II

by Elizabeth_Goode 0 reviews

After the events of Shattered, what might have happened in the Kent family.

Category: Smallville - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Clark Kent, Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-06-23 - Updated: 2006-06-23 - 364 words

Martha fussed over Clark, making sure that he didn't have any residual damage or illness from his expsosure to the meteor rocks. She insisted that he eat something, and stayed with him to make sure he actually ate it. When he finished, the family moved to the living room. Exhausted from his ordeal, Clark let his father explain all that had happened, filling in details as needed. She managed to remain calm, until Jonathan reached the part where Lex had been prepared to shoot a meteor-weakened Clark.

"Again? Why are people always trying to shoot my son?" She reached over to ruffle Clark's hair in a gesture of affection. "Baby, I hope you know that I thank God in my prayers that you're bulletproof. I really do."

Clark mustered a tired grin. "Me too."

At this point, it was obvious that he needed to sleep more than he needed anything else at the moment. Martha sent him upstairs to get ready for bed while Jonathan finished telling her what had happened that night.

When he had finished, Martha shook her head in amazement. "This takes the cake, Jon. How could Lionel do something like that to his own son? I know you and Lex have had your differences, but you have to admit that he in no way deserved a betrayal like that. Our son has lost two of his best friends in one night. Lex has been taken away and Lana blames him for what happened to her. What if Chloe and Pete side with Lana? He won't have anyone, and all he ever did was try to help his friends!"

Jonathan shook his head. "No," he stated firmly. "He has us, and that won't change."

Wrapping her arms around her husband, Martha nodded her agreement. "I'm proud of you too, you know."

"Me? What did I do?"

"You did what I told you to. You didn't lose your temper. You listened to him, and I think that might be more important than anything."

"I had my orders." He grinned at her, and kissed her cheek.

"You would have been fine without them. You're a good father and a good man, Jonathan Kent."
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