Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer

Just friends?

by MetalMusicHead 0 reviews

So I met All Time Low yesterday, sweeet

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2012-01-22 - Updated: 2012-01-22 - 879 words

“S’up?” Frank said down the phone, evidently trying to sound badass.

“Stop trying to be cool. Can I come over?”

“Er, okay?” he said, probably wondering why I suddenly wanted to come over, I had been there less than an hour ago.

“Good, meet me out front!” I gabbled, hanging up before he could respond. I rubbed my back and ran upstairs, the living room door was open, there was no escape. Donna turned from the TV and looked straight at me.

“Where are you going?” she quizzed, staring me up and down.

“Franks house”


“We are in a group in history, we have to do a project”

“Okay, be back for dinner!” she said, turning her back on me.

“Tea” I mumbled as I walked out. I looked at next doors front yard, Frank was stretched out across the grass, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

“Took your time” he commented, acting like he hadn’t only just walked outside.

“Does your mum not care that you smoke?” I asked, not expecting him to smoke so openly. I ignored his snide comment.

“As long as I don’t smoke in the house she doesn’t care” he muttered

“So, how come your here?” Frank asked, as to be assumed. I began lifting up my top to show him the already forming bruises on my rip cage and back. His eyes widened at my top neared my rips.

“Frank! I’m not going to show you my tits!” I exclaimed.

“Goddamn” he muttered. I pointed at the large red mark on my right ribs, once again his eyes widened.

“Holy shit! What happened!” he gasped.

“Long story short, when I went in early, I walked in on Jess and some guy making out on her bed, I think they were going to take it further but I interrupted. Then I went to watch you guys and when I went back she attacked me. It fucking murders!” I complained.

“Oh shit! She must of been proper up in your face!”

“Yeah, she was threatening me. She said she’d kill me if I told Donna about the things she does with boys. I believe that.” I whispered, trying hard to keep the tears in.

“Oh my god! I’m sorry!” he said, pulling me into a hug. It was the first embrace of our friendship, it was odd, I wasn’t used to getting hugged of people. I enjoyed the hug, Frank smelled really nice. I pulled away though, I didn’t want him to think I enjoyed the hug too much.

“Thanks” I said when we looked each other in the eye. I smiled weakly, he saw right through it. I find that ironic. How my mother, someone who is supposed to know me best believed that fake, half-hearted smile for so long when someone who has known me a month doesn’t believe the smile.

“Do you wanna crash here tonight? You look a bit ruffled and your mad aunt might think I raped you or something” he said, causing me to giggle.

“Yes please, I just need a cover up” I said, trying not to blush at how pathetic I sounded.

“Just say that your invited to a party and your staying at Gerard’s girlfriend’s then meeting me tomorrow morning”

“Life saver. Can I borrow your mobile?” I asked.

“Sure” he said, handing me the phone.


I felt completely refreshed after a long shower and getting changed, even if it was into a baggy pair of jeans and a Nirvana tee. I inspected the bruises, they were almost fully formed, they were beginning to ache. I didn’t want to ask to much of the Iero’s. I didn’t want to intrude on their peaceful lives. I brushed my hair out, leaving it wet, I can pay the price tomorrow. I could kill for a pair of shorts and a vest top but I couldn’t risk going back inside, not with Jessica on the loose. The mental images of her locked up like a dog made me giggle. I walked downstairs, paying attention to the wallpaper, I had never noticed the patterns on it before. I heard more voices downstairs. Frank must of called in reinforcements. How right I was, taking up the couches were Mikey, Gerard and Ray.

“Jesus! You were right Frank, she does look like shit!” Mikey yelled. I raised my eyebrow and giggled slightly when Gerard elbowed him in the ribs, even if it made my flinch slightly.

“I brought Nightmare On Elm Street!” Ray said, trying to change the subject. I mumbled a response and flopped next to Frank, almost instantly he put his arm around me, pulling me in closer. I was almost lay on him. As uncomfortable as it was, I enjoyed it, probably more than I should, I shifted around and put my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulders. Mikey shot Frank a look and Ray raised his eyebrows, I shook my head slightly, to tell him that there is nothing going on between us. We are just friends. And that’s all we’ll ever be. I can’t decide if I like that fact or not.
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