Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

by ILoveHobos 2 reviews

Frank and Gerard’s parents want them apart but once Gerard moves to Frank's private school, what's to stop the young misfits from meeting and maybe falling in love? R&R! Prologue up!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-23 - Updated: 2012-01-23 - 398 words

A/N: Okay here's the prologue, If you don't like it then I won't continue but if I don't get at least 3 reviews then there's no point me continuing it if only 2 people are gonna read it :3 SHOW YOURSELVES, PEOPLE WHO READ MY CRAPPY STORYS! Okay thank you, Ily all! Cookies and mil- Actually, after reading the milk fic, no milk. Cookies and Pocky for everyone who R&R's, I also decided that I didn't want to post as Kitty anymore so here's my name :3

Let me introduce you to two young boys, although you may already know who they are. Gerard Way and Frank Iero. Frank goes to St. Marys Catholic School in Newark and Gerard goes to Belleville Comprehensive School in Belleville one of the worst schools in the whole state of New Jersey. Frank’s parents are best friends with Gerard’s parents but won’t let them meet as they fear that the boys are too similar and they’d get on well. A little bit too well…

Name: Gerard Arthur Way
Age: 16
Likes: Art, Drawing, Music, Singing, BOYS! , The Misfits, Smashing Pumpkins, Neon Trees, Panic! At the Disco, Slipknot, Hanging out with his brother Mikey and his best friend Ray Toro.
Dislikes: Being tormented by his overprotective rich parents, Jocks, teachers, everyone, everything, the world, himself.

Name: Frank Anthony Iero Jr
Age: 15
Likes: Music, Singing, BOYS! , The Misfits, Smashing Pumpkins, Neon Trees, Panic! At the Disco, Slipknot, Hanging out with his sister Caoi and his best friend Ray Bob Bryar.
Dislikes: Being tormented by his overprotective rich parents, Jocks, teachers, everyone, everything, the world, himself.

Now, you’d think that with these boys living in the same state and their parents being best friends, they would have met each other by now but as I mentioned earlier, their parents did not want the young boys to meet. Unfortunately for them, they will do. Gerard is going to get kicked out of Belleville Comprehensive School and the family will have to move to Newark as it’s the only school he can get into. With a fair warning to stay away from the young misfit, Gerard will take his chance just so he can find out why his parents would never let him see the young Iero that he so longingly seeks.

Oh, did I mention?

6 years ago, Frank killed his father.
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